7🔸Horny Lucinda

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Tony's POV

I've been testing the symbiot and the only thing I could connect it to is the similarity in Peter's DNA and its. Yes it has DNA. It seems to be alive. I don't know how but it is.

"Mr.Stark there's a breech in the security system level 6C."

"Thanks Jarvis 2.0 but I hardly think anyone is going to break into this baby."
Let me explain . The avengers have a spaceship now. I built it after we beat Thanos and used the blueprints from the guardians ship and build an extremely modified version of it except it doesn't fly through space but it orbits earth, so I guess it's more of a satellite."But pull up the security footage from level 6C for me just in case."

"Yes sir." Suddenly all security footage popped up but there was no audio or video. "There seems to be a problem with the security footage sir."

"Got that number 2."

"I think calling me number 2 isn't necessary."

"Well calling you Jarvis would be disrespectful to the first guy."

"I am the first guy you programmed me out of what was left of vision."

"Hit me with Lucinda, mrk.23 ."

"Okay. On it's way sir."

That's when I was hit in the side of my back with some sort of metal fist. I flew against the wall. My wind was knocked out."I didn't mean literally hit with it."

"That wasn't Lucinda sir." Jarvis says

"Thanks ,I'll take this."I turn to look at a blonde handsome young man with four metal huge limbs sticking out of his back.

"Sorry you can't have that I'm borrowing it." I say to the blonde guy taking the symbiot."See I intend to send it to it's creator with a nuke attached to it."

"Tell me when you get my nuke."

"Whoa it's you. I was picturing an old geeky scientist."

Then all of a sudden we hear a knock on the door but I know that it's just the sense of humour Jarvis has.

"Who's there?!"octopus guy asks me seriously .

"Oh that. That's just Lucinda. Come I'm honey." My suit flies through the door and the parts swarm around me while covering me in my protective Iron Man coat. "Isn't she beautiful."Despite my amazing sense of humour tentacles does not seem to be laughing.

I shoot him with an energy blast but he deflects it with his tentacle which is very fast.

"Got some bad news for you Iron Man. See Lucinda is a whore." He says putting down the symbiot and pointing all tentacles to me. "All I have to do is get real close."he walked over to me and one of his tentacles did something that switched all my suits functions off. "And she let's me do whatever I want to her. "

I guess he did have a sense of humour. His three tentacles now focused on me while the other one generated a remote. He took this remote from it and said,"she even let's me tear her open." His tentacles ripped my suit to pieces .

"and leave her tired."he says pressing the button on the remote before leaving.

"Sir the engines energy supply has been taken out. We are now entering earths atmosphere."

"What how did he get to the energy supply?" I ask in confusiin

"The energy supply is on level 6C sir."

"Shit he planted that device there , the same one he had in his tentacle That took out my suit."

Okay I have an idea but I need a big suit with big thrusters. I instruct Jarvis to put on all the ships emergency power thrusters as I get into the hulk buster armour mrk.5 I fly below the ship . I'm not worried about the ship burning up as it enters earths atmosphere because it's made out of an alloy mixture of vibranium and alien metal. I'm worried about the landing . I really hope I don't land in the fucking ocean .

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