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Robin's POV

I screamed as I used every ounce of energy I had left and built it up stronger than any other gust I gave before.

"I thought I said leave," Cap said.

"Looks like you needed me," I reply.

I then deliver the gust and it blows the venom right off the goblin and snaps his neck too but unfortunately  now Hulk, Cap and Pete  are unconscious in front of me. The rest of the Avengers, who did not leave either, Pick them up and take them away from the scene.

I see people surrounding the building as we exit. All the Avengers who need medical attention  are loaded onto vans. I know that I  have to do.

I walk back to the Warehouse and Pack  my clothes . I'm  leaving. It's  the only thing I  can think to do.

I pack  everything  up and leave.

"Where are you going?" Bruce asks, he must have followed  me.

"You're  awake. Does that mean Peter's awake?" I ask.

"NAH. You knocked the Hulk out. Bruce Banner  was still fine.

"I'm  leaving. I need  to be alone." I say. I don't have to explain.

"For how long?"



"Everybody I love is gone. Peters here but only for a few months. It's  all my fault."

"You should at least say goodbye."he suggest. "You okay?" He asks.

I nod and then follow him to the hospital. I get to Peter and rub his cheek. I kiss his forehead.

"I can't  believe I'm  talking to you while you're  unconscious.  You did say you didn't  find things like this creepy.  You find them cute. "

Tears fall down  my eyes as I think about what I'm about to tell him. "Peter I went almost my whole life not being honest with myself when it comes to what I want. I told myself I wasn't gay, I told myself  I didn't  have feelings for you. I need to be honest about what I  want, finally.  I don't  want to be with you." Just saying those  words had me choke and cry for 15 minutes before I could continue. " I don't  want to be with you because every time I look at you now I remember I've poisoned you and you're  gonna die. I don't  want to be here the day you die. The day you die will be the the day I die too because the people I  love are the ones that make me me and you're the last one I have left. If I  leave I can I live with the fantasy that you found a cure and I can keep that part of me but I'm  not staying just to watch you die. I love you Pete. " I said before giving him a slow peck  on the lips.

This is where our story ends.
I love him too much to stay with him. It's ironic since he loves me too much to leave me alone.

Where do I go now.

The end. Or is it?

Somewhere out in the vacuum of space a threat approaches. Something powerful , strong and purely evil is on it's way to earth.

What will happen when she gets here.

Poison{BoyxBoy}{MCU}{Spiderlust bk.1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora