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Peter's POV

So now I'm swinging through New York to get to Oscorp tower,which was originally Avengers tower. I decided to take a look into the illegal experimentation that Norman Osborn was conducting.

I still can't believe I told Rob that I'm in love with him. Well at least he knows now, so I can be 100℅ honest with him from now. Sure things will be awkward for a while but what else is expected. I mean, after I told him I did freeze up and jumped out of the hospital window (not my best moment).

I swing into an open window to find the building is empty,I'm not surprised, the company was shut down a day ago and will remain that way until it's certain that the experimentation wasn't carried out in the rest of Oscorp's branches. Im sure this one was involved though, because it's the closest to Osborn's home.

Suddenly out of nowhere I'm hit in the face and fall to the floor. I look up to see a hulk sized monster towering over me. Shit just got real ugly, literary.

I jump up on a wall behind me."okay buddy, we can prevent things from getting uglier then they already are."

The monster stepped into the light and gave off a deafening screech. My eyes widen as I saw it in full light. It's a fucking dinosaur!!

I jumped towards it, kicking it against a wall. I webbed him to the wall but he easily broke through my web. He dashed towards me with a speed that was almost impossible especially for someone of his mass.

He choked me against a wall. There was no other way but to play foul. I webbed him in the eyeball and used my strength to toss him into the ceiling. When he fell , his arm fell onto a shard of glass which pierced through the entire arm and it fell off.

As soon as it did a new arm regenerated in it's place in a matter of second.

"That's so cool. But I'm guessing you're not circumcised. " I joke.

He screeched once again and   slammed me into a wall. Then out of nowhere the sound of a bell went off and I guess he had to go because he looked in the direction of the noise ,looked back to me with a glare that said this is not over and got on all fours and ran like a lizard in the direction of the noise.

Well obviously osborn has been up to alot of shit.

Poison{BoyxBoy}{MCU}{Spiderlust bk.1}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon