twenty six, broken broken broken

Start from the beginning

Casia rolled her eyes, but reconnected their arms as they strolled through the corridors and down to the gardens beginning to be frosted by the incoming winter. The cold was brisk. Nipped at her ears as they walked down the steps and along the path, the gravel crunched and shifted beneath their boots.

Beneath the barren fruit trees, the direwolves slumbered. Peaceful and yet the fury in those bones would never sleep. Worked even when the mind rested. A pick-axe to the cave wall as it constantly chipped away.

In that moment, Casia knew she had the same ferocious potential as they did. Only she knew she did not have their control.

"They are beautiful creatures, aren't they?" Thor questioned as he followed where her vision lay, appreciating the sheer strength in the animals, even as they lay harmlessly.

"I'm not much of a dog person," Casia said as they walked past the wolves, "but they're incredible."

"Not yet fully grown either," He told her, shaking his head in marvel. "Who needs an army when you've got two direwolves prepared to die for you?"

"So why didn't she take them with her?" Casia asked, glancing over her shoulder to where one of the wolves had rolled onto its back, tongue rolled out of its mouth.

Thor shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe she thought they'd be safer here," He said.

"Is it safer here?" Casia's question came as a mumble as her head dipped, eyes locked on her feet as she put one in front of the other. "I mean, you've got your own ticking time bomb right on your arm, Thor."

"You assume the worst," Thor said. His words were like summer fruits. Glorious in the sunshine and just as delicious at night when the darkness pulled in close, tucked beneath the chin. To gaze up at the stars. Revel in their beauty and admire their sheer wrath just hung above their heads, gazing down with just as much awe for the life they stained.

Casia smiled, but her footing stumbled a little as a dizzy spell washed over her, colour fading fast from her deep complexion. When she gripped Thor for support, he was there without hesitation, holding her up as her limbs threatened to give out.

"We should sit." Thor guided her off the path to the beautifully carved bench beneath the willow tree, its branches tumbling to the floor in waterfalls of dying leaves, browned by the changing seasons.

As she sat down on the wooden seat, Casia leaned her head back against the thick trunk of the tree and closed her eyes tight, forcing the heat to flush from her cheeks and allowing the cold winds in. As she opened the door to them, they came bustling in and sent the warmth packing.

Thor, as he'd witnessed The Captain do to Lusine when she was on the brink of a battle with the dark, placed a hand over Casia's in an act of kindness.

Just the simple movement of her turning her hand in his and winding their fingers let him know that she was still there.

That it was the ever-brave and cheeky Casia Radcliffe, not the phoenix who lingered.

"You're a good guy for sticking with me when I feel like I'm going insane," Casia said quietly, but the wind carried the words to him diligently, pulling on the strings tied between them with such vigour it was impossible to ignore as she opened her eyes once more to reveal the brown flecked with burning gold. And, if there were ever a pair of eyes to adore, it was hers. Without a hint of hesitation.

2 | BLACK HEART | MARVEL: PRE-AVENGERS ASSEMBLE - THOR DARK WORLD ✔️Where stories live. Discover now