Chapter Forty-Three (Finale)

Start from the beginning

"I know, but I can't help it! I lost to you." I joke.

"That's karma. It's what you get for making fun of Prod's hairline."

"Whatever." I laugh. There's an awkward silence, causing me to look around out of habit.

Woah, that is a nice tree. I wonder what kind it is. I like that tree.

"So, what happens to us, yanno. When I leave for touring?" Roc says, breaking the silence and my evaluation of the tree I was staring at. That question hit me. What happens to us? Not just us, but Dana and Ray Ray, Emerald and Prodigy?

he wraps his arms around me , his comfort soothing me. I take a deep breath, and sigh.

"I don't know, but I'm not ready for you to leave." I whisper.

When Mindless Behavior do leave, that's it. Most of our group is gone. We'll all be graduated, and off in different directions.

I just hope he'll still love me.

Two weeks later...

~Jacob's POV

"Jacob Perez to the office please." The intercom announces during class. I get up from my seat and make my way down the hallway. The past month has been nothing but pure sweat, blood and tears as we prepare for this tour. I can assure NONE of us were expecting the amount of work we'd have to put in to make Mindless Behavior work. Endless dance rehearsals, songwriting, producing, that ain't even the half of it. It's a shitload, but it's all worth it.

I walk in and are met with the principal, as well as Ray Ray, Prodigy, and Roc. Instantly it hits me. I have to do all of my end of year exams before we leave in a week, probably today. I groan out of habit before she even opens her mouth.

"Well, hello to you too Mr.Perez."


"Gentlemen," she starts. "First, I'd lie to congratulate you on your future touring opportunity. This is great and I bid you all best of luck. But, we still have a bit of school left, and during that time, you are to complete your end-of-year exams. Since you'll be departing next week, I've made the decision to give you yours early. So, tomorrow during third period, you all will be called down to take those tests. I suggest getting in a good grip of studying in tonight."

"Hold up. We have to take ALL of them exams in one sitting?! Damn!" Ray Ray says.

"You will have ten minute breaks in-between, and free period. Any questions?" The room goes silent.

"Alright, have a great day." We leave her office, and immediately start tugging at the ends of my hair in frustration. I'm a good student, believe or not, and actually give a damn about grades.

"Ima go home now to study. I can't fail this." I pace back and forth.

"Good lookin' out, ima head home too." Roc agrees.

That whole night, I turn on my iPod, and memorize all of my textbooks and notes from the whole year 'till 3am, chugging down Monsters to keep me awake. Just as I'm about to fall asleep at my desk, my phone vibrates, jerking me awake. I unlock it, revealing a text from Prodigy;

Party @ my place, friday startin at 10. nigga we made it!!!!

I turn off my phone, take my shirt off, and jump into bed.

"We made it." I say to myself before falling into a deep slumber.


"Psst... Psst!" Ray Ray hisses, trying to get my attention while we take our third final exam. They split us up, so I'm stuck with Ray Ray in the library while Prodigy and Roc take theirs someplace else.
I'm barely focused, the fact that I'll be leaving soon to go on tour keeps making it's way into my thoughts.

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