Chapter Ten

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~Aliyah's POV

"Me and Emerald are gonna do a duet tonight." Kaylan said softly.

I swear, you could hear my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach.

"What? But-"

"Ladies, you need to start heading into the music room." Mrs.Middleson warned as she stepped in the bathroom.

"We'd better go." Emerald said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you until now, it slipped my mind." Kaylan apologized before walking to the music room with Emerald.

I didn't have anything against Emerald, I just couldn't trust her fully.

Ten minutes later, we're all standing on risers except for Laurielle( she was lead), getting ready for the first set.

The opening song was going to be 'Don't You (Forget About Me)' by Simple Minds.

After Mrs.Middleson's speech about Hailey's decision to end her life, the curtain opened, and the instrumental started.

She would sing each verse, and we'd join in during the chorus.

After that one, a girl from our class sang 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri.

It was my turn.

I grabbed Kaylan, and started walking backstage when Mrs.Middleson stopped us.

"Girls, quick change of schedule. You're going after Cierra."

"Cierra?" Kaylan and I asked simultaneously.

"I know. It wasn't planned, but she's ready, and said it was special"

I gave a small groan, and we made our way back to the music room.

The SmartBoard in the room was broadcasting the concert live so we could watch.

A couple of students introduced Cierra, and the curtains opened.

The song started, and she opened her mouth to sing, but started talking.

"Wait. Turn it off for a second. I have something to say."

~Cierra's POV

Mrs.Middleson gave me a "What the fuck" face, and I ignored it.

"Um, I'm really grieving Hailey's death, just like most of you, but I just want to get this out of the way." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and I tried hard to push them back.

"Hailey commited suicide because she was bullied. Because she was different. But, that's the thing. Being different isn't bad, you should be proud that you are, you. Each and everyone of you are amazing, talented, beautiful and handsome students, don't let anyone bring you down."

There was an uproar of claps, and I heard a few people start weeping.

Now I knew I was gonna start crying. I let one tear fall as I continued.

"And to those who bullied and harrassed Hailey to the point where she didn't even want to live, shame on you. You know nothing about anyone but yourselves. I mean, come on. You look at me on this stage and think, 'She's nothing but a stuck-up whore.'

But I am not. I'm a human being, just like you. As a matter of fact, I.."

I thought long and hard about revealing this in front of the whole student body.

~Aliyah's POV

All throughout Cierra's speech, I was heartfelt. You could tell she was being sincere, just the look in her eyes.

bad || the housekeeper series. (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora