Chapter Six

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(A/N) Just because I rep #TeamJaydliah does NOT mean Aliyah & Jayden are gonna date!

And just because I said that^ does NOT mean they aren't gonna date!

There was NO hidden message or hint in the last A/N, lol.

Alright, your next chapter awaits you. You may swipe/scroll down now.

ps; this was also unedited xD

 PPS; Enjoy the picture of Chris on the side. I put another one up becuase he just so dayum beautiful(;

~Aliyah's POV

"No! I'm gonna fall!" I exclaimed as he let me go to try and skate on my own.

I drifted for a while, and pushed my right leg to try and speed up.

I fell, and was about to fall face-first when a pair of hands came and grabbed me.

"You alright?" I heard Jayden deep but attractive voice ask.

" Yeah, I think so."

He smiled, and grabbed hold of my hand.

We went skating for a few more songs, when 'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk started playing.

"Awww! Come on! You gotta dance."

"What? No! I can't even skate, how am I gonna dance?"

This bitch must be trippin'!

"Just dance. It don't matter."

I moved my arms bluntly from side to side to satisfy him.

He gave me the 'I'm serious' face, and I moved my legs with my arms.

"Alright, I'll just dance on you." He started shaking his shoulders in a goofy way and skated toward me.

I tried hard not to smile, but couldn't help it.

"Weeeeeee've come too faaaaaar to give uuuuuup who we aaaaare!" he sang, booty-bumping me.

I gave up, and sang along.

" So leeeet's raise the baaaaar and our cuuuups to the staaaars!"

I joined in the booty-bumping, and laughed the entire time.

Jayden is like one of those gay friends every girl has.

But he's not gay. Obviously.

'Leggo' by B Smyth, started, and I started dancing first.

He grabbed me by my stomach  

from behind, and lifted me up.

I started laughing uncontrollably, then stopped when B Smyth sang 'Your body's tellin' me things your lips won't say'.

Shit. I have to admit. I like this guy.

But that doesn't mean anything, I'm still saving myself for Jacob.

Shit, Jacob!

"Put me down." I said in a concerned tone.

He did as I asked, and looked me in the eyes.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just have to make a quick call."

I grabbed my phone, took off my skates, and got stamped at the admission station so I wouldn't be charged to get in again.

I quickly dialed Jacob's number, and it went straight to voicemail.

"It's yours truly, Jacob. I can't answer the phone right now, probably because I'm eating. It ain't my fault I like food so damn much.  

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