Chapter Twelve

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"HOLY FUCK!" I whispered after waking up in a hot sweat.
Now I know some type of fuckery is going on, and I better find out sooner or later.

*End Of Recap*

~Kaylan's POV
I woke up the next morning  on the couch, still in my dress from last night.
I opened my eyes, and stretched.
"Wake up bitch." I heard Aliyah laugh. Before I knew it, she threw a cold cup of water in my face, making me jump.
She was wearing a normal  blue tee, A pair of black skinny jeans, a blue beanie, and Nike Dunk High's.
"What the hell?!" I complained, wiping water off my face with the back of my hands.
"It's 11:35. You needa get up." Aliyah said she poured Lucky Charms into a bowl.
I got up, and started making my way towards the bathroom.
I saw my make-up bag, and instantly remembered my dream.
And the note.
I ran out of the bathroom, and took the note out of my purse laying by the couch.
"Ali, look at this." I ordered, running to the kitchen table.
She grabbed it from me, and as her reaction slowly spread on her face tears started welling up in my eyes.
I tried to push them back, due to the fact that I'm known as the bad-ass, rebel, tough girl.
"Who wrote this?!" She asked, her eyes growing big.
"I don't know. But I found it in my car! Someone broke into my car last night, and stuck that note in there!" My voice was cracking, and I was on the verge of bursting out in tears.
"We have to call the cops." She said, getting up from the table.
"No! We can't."
"Kaylan, why the fuck not?" Aliyah sighed as she sat back down.
"Because I want to take care of it." Now I wasn't frightened, or sad. I was pissed the fuck off.

Rage slowly built up in me as the memory of finding the note filled my mind.
"Wait!" Aliyah said, looking as if she had an "Aha" moment.
"This is a Prank. Prank week ends today. We were ahead my one, so I wouldn't be suprised if they snuck that one in last night."
I hate to admit it, but she made alot of sense.
"Wait, then why did I have a dream about him last night?"
"What are you talking about?" 
I explained the dream to her, and she was stumped.
"Well, don't do anything crazy, and that dream will have no possible way of coming true." She said with Lucky Charms in her mouth.
I went to the bathroom to wash up, and change.

~Aliyah's POV (Eariler)
I woke up at around Ten, and did my hygiene.
All throughout my morning routine, I kept thinking about Jayden and Yasmine. What the hell does he see in her besides evil? And how does he fall in love with.... That?!?
I decided to cornrow my hair up to keep it fresh for the masquerade tonight.
I looked around for something to wear on my head to cover my cornrows up, but all my hats and headscarfs didn't match.
Then I remembered last night.
While I was driving, I saw a blue beanie in the back of Jayden's car.
It wasn't my style, but it would have to do until tonight.
I rushed out of the house, unlocked the car door, and fished around for the beanie.
I found it eight minutes later, and locked the car door.
I ran back into the house, and placed the beanie on my head.
I applied only a tiny bit of foundation to my face, because I felt like my skin tone was starting to get uneven.
I woke Kaylan up, and we went to go pick up our dresses from the dry cleaners (side)
We went to Starbucks, and picked up Lattes.
When we arrived back at home, I got a text from Jayden.
"Where's my car? Lol it's 1;15 boo."
Can I just kill myself? This is too much bullshit for me to handle.

Why the hell would he call me boo? He JUST confessed to being in love with Yasmine less than 24 hours ago. 
You know what? I'm just gonna cut Jayden off from my life. I'm gonna return his car and beanie, and that will be it. I have a boyfriend that I haven't paid much attention to lately, and it's time I step up and be a good girlfriend.
I heard the doorbell ring, and stayed on the couch, hoping Kaylan would get it,
"Aliyah, can you go get it?" She yelled from the bathroom.
I got up, took two minutes to stretch, finished the rest of my Latte, did a little dance just for fun, and stood in front of the door.
It rang five more times during that, and Kaylan was getting mad.
I opened the door, and shut it as soon as I saw who it was.
Well, tried to shut it.
He stuck his foot in the door frame, and it wouldn't shut.

bad || the housekeeper series. (2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon