Chapter Thirty

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~Ray Ray's POV

"Ray Ray, are you listening to me?" Emerald's voice rings in my ears, but I'm not paying any attention.
My mind keeps trailing back to the kiss with Courtney. I've felt like shit since then.

She pulls away from me, and before I even know what's going on, our lips are touching.
Sparks fly up and down my spine as the kiss gets more intense.
We're in a heated tongue-dance when the doctor comes back in the room, startling both of us.
"Alright Rayan, I have you cast-oh." He says when he walks in. Courtney immediately pulls away and jumps back into her chair, although its too late. He's already seen us. I bow my head in embarrassment and regret.
I just cheated on Dana. I just betrayed the one girl of my dreams. Especially after what she's been through, I mentally slap myself in the face.
"Uh," he says, a smirk threatening to form on his lips. "It's time to put your case on."
"Huh? Oh, aight." I lift up the sleeve on my sweatshirt, and the doctor places the cast on. I manage to avoid making eye-contact with Courtney the whole time, and when its over I just walk out, not saying one word.
"Ray Ray? Can we talk please?" She says behind me, and I ignore everything. Damn, why'd I even come anyways?!
"Look, I'm sorry for what happened but if you'd just talk to me for a second-" I turn to face her.
"You want me to talk to you? Courtney you just made me cheat on my girlfriend, do you know how fucked up that is? Dana's never going to forgive me. Ever!" My blood is boiling and my fists are balled at my sides.
"Who said she had to know?"
"ARE YOU SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW?" The volume in my voice causes heads to turn.
"Ray Ray lower your voice, you're causing a scene!" She whispers.
"Fuck that. Don't talk to me no mo', got that? Don't try to make any contact with me. Hangin' out witchu' today was a mistake." I growl lowly.
Before she can say anything, I turn around and walk into the waiting room where my parents are waiting.
"My baby! Ray Ray are you okay?" My mom says, pulling me in a hug.
I'm fine, momma. Just got a cast, that's all."
"Don't scare us like that, boy. Your mother was sitting here thinking you're dead."
"I'm sorry, pops."
My parents go get my prescription and more, and then we leave the hospital.
"So, are you going to tell us what happened?" Mom says.
"Uh, I fell down the stairs."
"Oh, okay." Wow,that was easy.
"So," My dad starts. "When are you going to tell us what actually happened?"
"That uh, that is what happened. I fell down the stairs."
"Yeah, whatever." My dad scoffs.
If anyone knows me, it's my old man.
The rest of the ride is silent, and as soon as we get home I jump into bed. I turn on my phone, and see an unread message from Dana:

Hey babe(:

I instantly feel guilty, and decide to come clean.

aye, I gotta tell u somethin. 

I press send,and soon enough my phone vibrates with a reply.

huh? what's goin on? :-/

I instantly start talking to myself, trying to figure out what to do.

"Oh shit. I can't do it. Not now, at least. It's not the right time."

"But what if she finds out from someone else before I can find the right time to tell her?"

"There will never be a right time to tell your girlfriend you cheated on her, dumbass."

"Ok fine, don't tell her. But when karma bites you in the ass, don't say I didn't warn you."

Nothin, just wanted to let u
know i love

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