Chapter Forty-Two

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        (a/n) I kind of rushed this chapter, so there's probably a ton of grammar/spelling errors. sorry! ill fix them later, Im just really excited to post this!


"You nervous?" Kaylan asks as she straightens the remainder of my hair. Tonight's the night of the Talent Search finale. Finally, after all the countless rehearsals and  eliminations, it's come down to this. Kaylan and I, against Jacob's, or Princeton's, group. Courtney was supposed to be in finals,but she dropped out.

How convenient. (Hint of sarcasm. )

The moment when Jacob left me still haunts me, up to this point. I think about it everyday.

How could I have been so stupid?  I  took advantage of the one person that loved me and now he's gone.

After he sped off, I walked back into Kaylan's house and demanded she take me back to my aunt's house, where I laid in bed and cried till I fell asleep. For the remainder of my suspension I just ate, slept, and cried. I looked horrible, like a homeless person even. Bags under my eyes, pale skin, bloodshot eyes. I didn't think anything could hurt this bad.

I nod. Tonight will be the first time I've seen anyone else except Kaylan and my auntie since that night. Reymond didn't come home after that day. I wanted to ask Jan about him, and why he was there, but I didn't feel up to it at the time.

"I am too. I've been guzzling down green tea with lemon and honey for the past two days like it's my job." She finishes up my hair and turns me to face the mirror.

I haven't looked this decent since the day of my suspension. She did my makeup beautifully. I feel flawless.

"You look great." She says, smiling. I'm dressed in a short, strapless, dark blue flowy dress that stops right at my knees. On my feet are silver stilettos. I spot the necklace Jacob gave me on Christmas sitting on the bathroom counter.  Yasmine had given it back to me out of guilt.

Kaylan ties my hair in a lace braided bun  and I put the necklace on. It shimmers in the light.

"You really do look beautiful, Aliyah. " She reassures me. I stand up and hug her, grateful for all she's done for me. Hell, even now. She made sure I was dressed and ready, and she's in a bathrobe with curlers in her hair.

"It's gonna be alright, honey." She whispers, rubbing my back in a soothing way.


"We're starting in 20 minutes." Our vocal coach announces. "Remember, good breath support, breath from your diaphragm. Be energized, lively." She says as we sit in the our rehearsal room. Kaylan is dressed in a dark blue H&M tank top that matches my dress covered by a black leather jacket, black super skinny jeans, and black pumps with accessories to match. It sounds like a casual outfit but she pulls it off in such a professional way. It's gorgeous..

"Got it." Kaylan says. We do a few vocal wam ups, and go through our first song, You're Mine (Eternal) by Mariah Carey.

 I can't seem to live without your love

Suffocating here by myself dying for your touch

Spring time eyes that get you every time

And I just can't seem to give you up

You're mine

You make me feel

Our love would never end

How can I forget

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