Chapter Thirty-Five

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~Aliyah's POV

"IT'S TIME!" I yell as the clock hit 8.
It's finally time. From what everyone said, it's going to be fine, but I can't help but to feel something in my gut telling me to GO HOME.

Everyone comes into the family, including Prodigy. He mugs Jacob as he takes a seat on the couch with Emerald, and Jacob replies with a middle finger before sitting adjacent to me and Dana on the other couch across from Prodigy. Kaylan sits in front of the coffee table on the floor, and across from her are Roc and Zonnique.

"Alright you guys, Most of us know how this works, but for those who don't, I'll do a quick run-down of what will happen tonight." Kaylan starts. I open a bottle of water, and take a swig as she explains everything. I peek at Zonnique, who has a smug look on her face. She's probably so excited to be here.


"Ok, I guess we can start now. Who'd like to go first?" She says. It gets so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
"Surfboart...surfboart." Roc quietly sings to himself. He has an earphone in, so he's probably listening to Beyonce.
"Oh c'mon you guys. No one?" I'm hesitant about raising my hand, because I kind of feel guilty about losing the necklace Jacob gave me, but I don't think that's something I should spill here.

"No one? Y'all some losers. Ok, I'll go first." Kaylan says. I wonder what her confession is.

~Kaylan's POV

I guess I may as well tell them what I did, although I don't see the big problem with it. 
As all eyes are on me, I scan each of their faces. Aliyah will be mad but she'll eventually get over it. Jacob might be too. Ray Ray, Roc, and Prodigy won't care. Dana won't give a shit, but Emerald. Emerald will burst in flames.
"I uh," C'mon, just spit it out! 


Miracle. Prodigy and I both scramble to the door as a chance to escape the awkward situation, but he gets there before I do.
Oh shit. 
He opens the door, and before I can even confirm that it's who I think it is Aliyah yells "OH HELL NO."

Yep. It's her. With Jayden.

"Hi everyone!" Yasmine says as she walks in.
"Oh...uh..hey." Everyone mumbles. She embraces Prodigy in a hug, and I can see how upset Emerald is.
"Who the hell invited her?" Aliyah whispers.
"Actually, that's what I-"
"She probably crashed, with her Barbiee self." Emerald snarls as she rolls her eyes.
"She didn't. What I was was going to say was-"
"Surfboart." Roc says again.
"Hold, up, wasn't you a Barbiee Em?" Ray Ray jumps in.
"Well yeah, I WAS. But you don't see me crashing other people's Confessionals, do you?"
"SHE DIDN'T CRASH. I INVITED YASMINE AND JAYDEN. THAT'S MY CONFESSION." I yell. It goes silent for the second time.

"You...what?" Aliyah says.

"My ear's burning, somebody talkin' shit?" Yasmine jokes as she comes and sits on the floor across from me, next to Zonnique.

"I know. But I just thought since it's senior year, why not just make up with everyone? She said she wouldn't start shit tonight." I say.

"We don't need to 'make up' with her!" Emerald says, using air quotation marks.

As I predicted, Aliyah and Emerald are pissed.
"Is it that bad to have me here? Damn." Yasmine laughs.
"Yeah, pretty much." Emerald says.
"Sorry for coming, but I was invited. Other than you, who needed to hook up with someone in the group to come."


"Whatever, I'm not gonna let you phase me, Yas." Emerald scoffs.
"Yeah, whatever."

"That's a NeNe move right there." Ray Ray whispers to me.

"Fuck off, Ray Ray." Jacob and Prodigy have just been staring at each other, probably having a brutal mental war. Jayden's probably lost, because he's not in here.

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