Chapter Thirteen

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~Yasmine's POV 

I finished applying my make-up, and stepped out of my bathroom. 

"Yas you look amazing!" Mimi squealed as I turned in my dress. 

My outfit was a black, floor-length, strapless, slim gown, black pumps, and a black clutch purse. My hair was down in spirals, I was wearing my signature 'Barbie' necklace, and my studded black/silver mask. 

My make-up was a light coat of foundation, red lipstick, a load of mascara, and a tiny bit of black/shimmery eye shadow. 

"Thanks, we should go now." I grabbed my phone, my lipstick, and a pack of 5 Gum. 

Mimi, Laurielle, and I all went in my car, jamming to Ke$ha's Warrior album. 

When we arrived, heads were turning, the girls were getting jealous, and the guys were getting thirsty.  

Nothing new. 

I grabbed a glass of sparkling water, and drank it all down in 5 seconds. 

Mimi and Laurielle were long gone, so I was alone.  

As always.  

I sat down at a table, and grabbed another glass. 

"Yasmine! Damn girl, you cute!" Emerald squealed as she approached me. 

I smiled, and gave her a hug. 

"I am in love with your dress Em." I smiled as I checked her out. I would kill for that outfit. 

"Its itchy as hell though, I brought another one for after the slow dances. I can't wait to get out of this thing." She complained. 

I laughed, and made a sarcastic sympathy face. 

"Poor Emerald, she must be in such suffering." I giggled. 

Before she could answer, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I got a tiny bit irritated, but as soon as I turned around, all of that went away and was replaced by nervousness and butterflies. 

"Hey Yas, you good great." He said, flashing that oh-so sexy half-smile that just captures my heart. 

"Thanks, you too."  

"Uh, hello?" Emerald interrupted. 

I gave her the 'I'm in the middle of something' face, and she ignored it. 

"My bad, you look good girl." Jayden laughed. 

"Yeah, I thought so. Now, if you guys are gonna fuck or whatever, please not in here. Mkay?" She said in a serious tone. 

Jayden burst into an uncontrollable laugh, and I just stood there like a dumbass. 

She walked away, and it was just us. 

"You wanna dance?" He asked right when 'Take You' by Justin Bieber started playing. 

I nodded, and we walked hand-in-hand to the dance floor. 

When we first started, it was a little awkward, but he started putting a couple of spins and dips in it, making it more of a 'Tango' type dance. 

He dipped me, and right before the beat dropped, he whispered in my ear, "You can't handle this, girly-girl." 

Now I wasn't upset, but fierce. 

He did not just call me that. 

I shot up, and when the beat dropped I took control. 

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