Chapter Thirty-Eight

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~Kaylan's POV

"So this dude robbed and shot your sister?" Roc says as we pull into the police department.

"I know it was him. It had to be." The words struggle to leave my mouth. I still can't fully believe Will would do such a thing. I thought he loved- no. He didn't love me. We just had a fling, more than friends but less than lovers.

But that still doesn't change the fact that he tried to kill LaShae. He's gonna get what's coming to him.

"Kaylan, are you serious? This nigga just attacked your sister and you about to go bail him out again?"

"I'm not bailing him out, Roc." I sigh. He parks, and I take off my seatbelt. I try hard to breathe and take this all in. 

"Then why are we here?"

"I just wanna talk to him. Stay here if you want, it'll only take a minute." I open the door and close it. I walk in the department and make my way to the holding cells, where Will is standing, holding onto the cell bars. His eyes light up when he sees me.

"Kaylan! Thank God you came, baby. You got the bail money? It's more than last-"

"Shut the hell up. " I say through gritted teeth. A confused look appears on his face.


I look around before walking right up to his face, the only thing separating us is the metal bars.

"You are a low-down piece of shit,Will. I can't believe I was stupid enough to think you'd change for me." I try to calm my anger before I start yelling.

"Baby, I can explain-"

"WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN?!" I have completely lost it. The officers all turn to look at me, but I don't care. "And don't call me that!"

"Is everything alright over there? " An officer says.

"Everything's fine." I turn back to Will, an evil smirk spreading across my face. "Just know this, baby. You will regret what you did tonight for as long as you live." I blow him a fake kiss and walk away.

"You too, bitch." I spit as I pass Dimondz cell.

I walk up to the officer at the desk and ask for Will's court date.

3 weeks from today. Perfect.

When I get back to my car, Roc's half-way asleep in the passenger seat. The sound of me opening the car door wakes him up.

"How'd it go?" He mumbles.

"It went fine."

"That's what's up." I sit in the driver seat, and take a deep breath. Before I know what's happening,  I'm uncontrollably sobbing. This is the first time I've cried since this has happened. Roc puts an are around me as comfort, and I lean into him.

"How could this happen?  It's all my fault!" I cry.

I always felt it was my duty to protect my sisters,  whether they were older or younger. That's just who I was. Especially now, since my parents don't give a damn about LaShae anymore. Her and Tia are my everything.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." Roc kept cooing in my ear. It calmed me to a point where after a while, I wasn't crying anymore.  He suggested we switch seats, since I clearly wasn't in the mood to drive 20 minutes back home.
He was now in the driver's seat, and I in the passenger's.

"Thanks Roc. For everything, even letting me cry all over your shirt." I say, half-joking.

"It's cool." I try to smile, and wipe my tears away.

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