Chapter Thirty-Three

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~Emerald's POV (earlier)

"You did great!" I applaud Kaylan as she walks out of the arena. The Barbiees were eliminated last week, but I still decided to come through and support my girl.

"Thanks." She smiles. "Yo, I'm so hungry right now." She sighs. Now that I think about it, I am too.

"Let's stop by the gas station." I say, pulling out my wallet as we walk down the sidewalk.

"The gas station? For dinner?"

"Nigga, I'm broke. Okay? We can probably get a hot dog or something."

"Alright, I ain't trippin'." We walk in the gas station, and I immediately go for the donuts, while she goes to the drinks. I get two chocolate covered donuts with sprinkles for me and her. I go to the chips, and grab a bag of Lay's Potato Chips. I swear, from a distance, I could hear Ray Ray's voice, but I just shake it off. Then I hear it again. 
Ok what the hell?
I look over my shoulder and there's Ray Ray and Chresanto, laughing like idiots. 
Should've known. I ignore them at first, but stop when Ray Ray mentions Courtney. I follow behind them, careful not to get caught while snooping in on their conversation.
What I hear is utterly shocking.

"Yeah, it's tomorrow. You gotta let Dana know before then bro.If I was you, I'd come clean, it's the right thing to do. I learned that the hard way."

"I know." 

"You laughin' now, but we'll see who's gigglin' when Dana beats Courtney's ass. I bet $5 that shit's gonna be on Worldstar." What? Why would Dana beat up Courtney? Does Dana even know Courtney?

"Aye, lemme ask you somethin'." Roc says to Ray.

"What's up?"

"...Was it good?" Roc laughs. The first thing I think is that Ray and Dana had sex. Don't judge me.

"It's not like we had sex, dumbass. We just kissed."  

"You would tap her though. Don't even lie." What?! I'm confused at first, but I eventually put two and two together, and gasp out loud.

Ray Ray kissed Courtney.

I back into the rack of chips, causing them to fall. I run away, hopefully not seen by Ray Ray or Chres.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you just saw a ghost." Kaylan laughs as she comes up behind me with two Arizona Iced Teas, and a king size Kit Kat.

"Em, what's wrong? I'm getting worried..." The words spill from my mouth before I can even take a second to contemplate them.

"Ray Ray cheated on Dana."

"...What?" Kaylan chuckes. "No way,Emerald. Ray Ray may be stupid, but he's not that stupid."

"Well, he must be a fuckin' retard because he just told Chresanto that he kissed her!"

"Wait, when?"

"Just now! They were here!" Kaylan must've noticed how serious I am, because her eyes grew big as she drew in a sharp breath.

"Oh my God, why would he do that to her?!"

"I don't know, but we have to tell her."

"No! Emerald we have to leave it up to him. It's none of our business."

"But's that's our girl! We can't keep this from her! If we knew that Roc was stepping out on you when he was, wouldn't you want us to tell you?" She takes a second to think, and slowly nods her head.

"Alright, so we're telling her tomorrow, alright?" I ask.

"Wait! Isn't Confessional tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah! Ok. We'll give him the whole day tomorrow and C night, and if he doesn't tell her, we will. Pinky swear?" I hold my pinky out, and she locks her with mine. We pay for our stuff, and walk back to the arena so I can get my car.

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