Chapter Nineteen

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~Kaylan's POV
"This is dumb." I argued with Will as we walked down the parking lot to my car.
"That's what dumb people say. Just answer the riddle."
"This ain't kindergarden." I mimicked him."

The riddle was, ' I come on in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years. What am I?"

"I smell stupidity, don't you?" He laughed.
I hit him in the shoulder, and he rubbed it, giving me a stank face.
"You give up?" he asked.
"Yeah, I've been on it for ten minutes."
"The letter M."
I took a second to get it, and hit him again in the same spot as before.
"Damn, can you stop doing that?" and 
"I will as soon as you stop being a dumb fuck."
"At least I knew what come once in a minute, twice in a-"
"Shut the fuck up, it was one riddle."
"Fine, answer this one. There's a guy, and a girl," he starts, entwining his fingers with mine.
"Keep going,"
"The guy think he's start to feel for this girl, and he knows she feels the same. But, this girl's been through alot and ain't ready for a relationship. What does that make them?"
My heart was pumping out of my chest, and I was suprised it didn't jump out of my body.
"Friends with benefits?"
"Coo with me." I turned to face him, and he licked his lips.
We leaned in at the same time, and I pulled away right before our lips met. 
"I'm sorry, this isn't right." I said.
"You right, my bad." He pulled away and put his hands up in a surrender-type motion.
"I mean, come on. How did you go from robbing the house I was in, to here, with me, right now?"
It was silent, and I chose to free myself from his grasp.
"I'll see you around." I said before making the heart-wreching choice to walk away.
"Aight." He replied.
I walked to my car and got in.
Once I knew he was out fo earshot, and literally screamed my life away in regret.
But I had to do what was right, and something told me he was trouble.
I drove to LaShae's, and parked.

I made sure to LOCK all the doors in the house, and turn the security alarms on.
I changed out of my outfit, tied my hair up, changed into PJ's, and fell asleep on the couch watching Snooki and Jwoww.

~Emerald's POV
"Damn, where did everyone go?" Prodigy asked as we walked to the dance floor together.
"I know Ray Ray left with Dana because she got kicked out, but I don't know about Jake and Aliyah." I replied.
We danced for a little more, then it hit midnight, making it officially Christmas.
"Merry Christmas, Craig." I cooed.
"Merry Christmas." I kissed his lips, and smiled as I placed my head on his chest as we swayed to 'Fallin'' by Alicia Keys.
When it was time for the club to close, we left, walking hand it hand. I took off my heels and held them in my hands as we walked, because my feet were starting to hurt.
"Race you to the car?" He asked.
"Are you seri-"
Before I could finish, he too off sprinting, leaving me behind.
I ran after him, easily catching up. I was ahead when he came up behind me and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me back.
I pretended to fall and hurt my ankle, and started crying out in pain.
"Woah, you alright?" He asked, coming back to me.
"No! I hurt my ankle, I think it might be broken!" 
He lifted me up, and I got in front of him and sprinted all the way to his car.
"Oh so you just gon' play me now?" He asked, catching up to me.
"Sorry not sorry."
"I got you."
"Whatever, well I goota go, see you later."
"Aight." I pecked his cheek, and made my way to my own car to leave.

~Aliyah's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm singing 'Nobody's Perfect' by J.Cole.
I stood out of bed, and fell when my knees gave in.
"Shit, I need to stop drinking." I said to myself.
My pelvis area was sore, and I had a massive headache.
I stood up, and stretched, noticing that the sheets on my bed were changed.
"What the fuck?"
I walked to the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked pale, and there were bags under my eyes.
I did my hygiene, and threw on a blue tee, gray sweatpants, ankle socks, and Jayden's beanie.
I went into the kitchen, and made myself a bowl of cereal.
I sat in front of the T.V, and ate my cereal when I started feeling uneasy.
My stomach was turning, and I felt like I was gonna vomit.
I ran to the bathroom, and threw up in the toilet at least five times.
That's when it hit me.
The changed sheets, the sore pelvis, the throwing up,
It can't be.
I frantically wipd my mouth and washed my hands before running upstaris and grabbing my phone.
I unlocked my phone, and there was an unread message from Jacob.
'Merry Christmas :* '

'Thanks, you too. Uh, did anything happen last night?'

'Let's just say,  u got drunk, one thing led to another, and I had to change the sheets in ur room ;)'

I've seen this happen in the movies too many times to doubt it.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I broke down and exploded in tears.
I can't believe this. I felt so ashamed of myself.
Mama's words rang in my ears as I sat in the hallway, crying to myself.


'Promise me you'll keep them legs closed until you're married Ali?" She asked as we finished watching 'For Colored Girls.' She showed it to me as a lesson when my best friend, Cheyanne got pregnant at 15.

"I promise, mama." At the time, I never wanted to think about sex. It seemed disgusting, vulgur, and outrageous, especially after what happened with my dad.

*End Of Flashback*

I've let Mama down. I broke the promise.
God, why didn't I listen to Jacob? He knew something bad would've happened if I kept drinking and like an idiot, I ignored him.

'Uh, can you come over?" I texted back.

'It's Xmas, gotta hang ith the fam. Sorry, I'll be over later."

I had to tell someone, someone I trust.

I grabbed my phone, and went down my contacts list.
Kaylan? no, she's at least half-and hour away.
Dana? I don't know her that well.
Emerald? Why do I even have her number?
Jayden? My heart froze as I tapped his name, and tapped the call button.
I put it to my ear, and it rang twice before he answered.
"Hello?" He said in a groggy, sleepy tone.
"Hey, are you awake?"
"I am now" He chuckled.
"Do you think we could talk? It's an emergency."
"Today? Aliyah, it's Christmas."
"I know, it's just, Kaylan's not here, and I need someone. Please?"
I heard him sigh.
"Alright, I'll be over soon, but you owe me."
"Thanks." I hung up, and wiped my tears.
He came about twenty minutes later, in probably the ugliest Christmas Sweater ever.

When I opened the door, I had to muffle the giggles threatening to escape.
"Shut up, it was a present."
I welcomed him in, and sat down on the couch.
"So, what ws so serious that you wanted to tell me?"
I took a breath, and spit it out.

"I think I'm pregnant."
He stood up from his seat in shock.

"Wait, WHAT?!? WE NEVER-"
"Not from you, idiot."
"Oh, I was about to say!" He gave a sigh of relief and sat back down.
"Yeah, but I don't know what to do." My voice cracked, and I was on the verge of crying, again.
He came to where I was sitting, and embraced me in a hug.
"What am I gonna do with a baby?" I cried.
"Did you take a pregnancy test?" He asked.
"I can't, I don't have any money."
"You should've told me, I would've bought you one."
"I guess I'll have to do it later. Thanks, by the way."
"For what?"
"For everything. You're such a good friend and I treat you like shit."
"Stop beating up on yourself." I looked up at him, and before anything serious could happen, the doorknob turned, and Jacob appeared from behind it, pissed off.
"What the FUCK is going on here?" He yelled.
I moved from Jayden's grasp, and stood up.
"Are you cheating on me?!?"
"No, I'm not, I just-"
"Jacob if you just-"
"I leave my family on CHRISTMAS, to come to you for whatever dumbass reason you wanted me here, and I find you whoring around with Justin Bieber?!?" He shoots.
"Alright, I'm just gonna go..." Jayden says.
"NO, YOU STAY." I say to Jayden, and he sits back down.
"I knew it, I knew you were just a slut bitch."
"JACOB I'M PREGNANT!" I yell, casuing complete silence.
His face turned from angry to sympathetic.
"I'm pregnant, with your baby." I whisper.

(a/n) This was just a filler, so it's short.
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