Chapter Twenty-Six

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~Kaylan's POV 

"And when I said sorry, she called me a bitch and sicced her dog on me!" I exclaim to Aliyah as we drive to school. My bites weren't serious, I just have gauze wrapped around my upper arm and ankle. 

It's only been eleven hours since the fiasco with Zonnique, and I'm ready for war. The only reason I haven't fought her yet is because I don't want to forfeit the competition. 

"Oh my God!" She said. 

"Yeah, look where saying sorry got me. I'm never listening to you again." I joke as I pull into the parking lot. 

By the time I take the key out of the ignition, Aliyah's already outside hugged up on Jacob, leaving me in the car. 


I groan, and get out, as much as I wanted to drive back home.  

"Kaylan!" I hear Emerald and Dana call. 

I look back, and they're both running towards me. 

"What's going on?" I ask, once we meet. 

"It's Nique. She's tweeting shit about you." Dana says, holding out her phone for me to read.

'Bitch thought 'apologizing' would gain my trust?? Think again boo!' .#fakeassbitch It read.

My breathing gets heavy, and I ball my fists up in anger. 

If I don't find an anger management class soon, Zonnique's parents might have to start looking for funeral homes.

~Aliyah's POV 

'Yo, y aren't you answering?'

'Aliyah whats wrong.'

'U okay?'

'Okay forreal answer me.'

Jayden hasn't stopped texting me since yesterday, and my phone is slowly dying.

"Who keeps texting you?" Jacob asks as we walk into the building. 

"No one. No one relevant, anyways." 

"Then why can't you just tell them to stop?" 

"Not worth my time." I spin the dial on my locker, and pull the latch up. 

It swings open, and I throw my bag in. 

I feel my phone fall out of my pocket, and look back to see Jacob unlocking it. 

"It's not like you're gonna get in, anyways." I say, grabbing my materials for homeroom. 

"Got in." He teases. 

"What? How? You don't even know my pass-" 


"Fuck you."  

"Later, it's too early bae." I try hard not to laugh at his stupid remark, forgetting that Jacob now has access to all the texts that- 

"Why is Jayden texting you?" 


"He's just being annoying." 

"Eighteen texts Aliyah?" 

"What?!?" I didn't think it was that many, maybe five or six. 

"Yeah. Is something going on that I don't know about?" 

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