Chapter Thirty-Four

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~Aliyah's POV

We walked in to Prod's house, anxious as hell. Kaylan's grip on my hand gave away that she was nervous about tonight. But,what could she have to hide? She tells me everything the moment it happens.


"KAYLAN AND ALIYAH ARE HERE!" Dana yells.  We both greet her with a hug and I can't help but think this could be the last hug I give her. Only time will tell.
Jacob is sitting in a chair, facing the wall far away from everyone else (especially Prodigy), with his Beats headphones over his ears.

"What's up with Jacob?" I ask.
"Him and Prod got into it again, so I had to put that nigga in time-out." Dana jokes as she sips on Arizona Tea.
"Are there anymore Arizona Teas?" Kaylan asks.
"Yeah, they're in the fridge. I'll go with you to get one." Dana and Kaylan leave, so I take this as an opportunity to talk to Jacob.

I set my bag down, and make my way through the large family room.
When he sees me, he removes his headphones and embraces me in a tight hug.
"Baby, ima need you to hold me back tonight." He says in my ear.
"Cuz' ima beat Prodigy's ass. I swear."
"Please don't, Jacob. I know you guys have a few issues with each other-"
"Hah, a few." He scoffs.
"BUT, please try not to fight him again. Please?" I plead.
He takes a big sigh,and lets it out before answering.

Suddenly,  the front door opens, and in walk Emerald, Ray Ray, Roc, and...shit.
Zonnique. He actually brought her?!
He must want a fight tonight. This will be interesting.

~Kaylan's POV
Dana hands me an Arizona Tea out of the fridge,  and I pop the tab before taking a big gulp of it.
"Woah, you cool Kaylan?" Dana asks. It's not until now that I notice my hands are practically trembling. This whole thing with Ray Ray cheating on Dana is eating me alive, and I'm trying hard to resist from blurting it out.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah girl, I'm coo." I shrug. 
"Who do you think has the biggest secret?" she whispers as she takes a seat at Prodigy's kitchen table. Where is Prodigy anyway?

Before I could answer her, the front door opens, and in walk Emerald and Ray Ray.
"Party's here!" She yells, and Dana and I exit the kitchen to greet her.

"EMERALD AND RAY RAY ARE HERE!" Dana yells to Prodigy , and I turn the corner to be met face-to-face with blue hair, six inch heels, and the scent of French Vanilla.

Are you shitting me?

"Hello Kaylan." Zonnique says, a fake smile plastered on her face. Behind her, I see Roc walk in. As soon as we make eye contact, his expression changes from happy to scared.
Be scared.
"What up." I bluntly reply, trying hard to act non-chalant when it reality, I was frustrated beyond belief.
Why did Roc bring her here?! We barely know the girl for crying out loud!

"Where's Prod?" Emerald asks.
"In his room, he's in time-out." Dana laughs. Emerald goes to get Prodigy, Dana sits with Ray Ray, Aliyah, and Jacob, leaving me with Nique and Roc. The situation immediately gets awkward, so I decide the best choice would be to go back into the kitchen.
I hear footsteps follow me, and they're not pumps so I assume it's Roc. Why the hell did Nique wear heels anyways? God, I swear everything she does irritates my life. My theory for Zonnique is legit 'Psycho-ass bitch'. I hope she falls down that long-ass staircase that leads up to Prodigy's front door.

Ain't even sorry. 

"Aye, you alright?" Roc asks, and I spin around to face him.
"Why did you bring her here?!" I half-whisper half-yell.
"Look," he starts.
"No you look! I know you probably hate my guts but to bring her to Confessional was just pure evil. You must want to see somebody get their ass whooped."
"Kaylan, chill! Why you always tryna fight somebody?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because people like you do shit to piss me off."
"Look," he sighs before continuing.
"I didn't want her to come,okay? I was chillin at her house, lost track of time, and when I had to go she wouldn't give me my keys until I told her she could come,alright? She glued her ass to the passenger seat and wouldn't get out. I tried Kay, I foreal tried." Roc says, proving my theory.
"She's crazy as hell." I said without thinking. "My bad, I didn't mean to-"
"It's cool, she is kinda crazy." He chuckles, and I laugh along. It's been a while since I last saw Roc laugh, and the sound is so refreshing.
"IT'S TIME!" Aliyah announces, and Roc makes his way out of the kitchen and into the family room.
Before I walk out, I say yet another quick prayer.
"Lord, please help me tonight. I don't want to go to jail for attempted murder."

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