Chapter Twenty-Three

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~Aliyah's POV 

As I stood on the stage with all the other acts I looked down the long line. There was a short girl that looked 13, Jacob and his group, three girls with colored hair, The OhSoBarbiees, an Asian guy, Courtney, Kaylan and I, two more girls that looked 13, a hippie white girl, a couple of emos, and other people I couldn't see because the line was so long. 

The man who was originally on the stage stating the rules was now in an auditorium seat, along with fifteen other adults which I assumed were the coaches. 

"Alright, I'm gonna name off contestants along with their assigned coach, that coach will raise their hand, you will go join them wherever they are sitting, and get to know each other. You can NOT changes coaches, and coaches may not switch students. And for the record, these are ALL professional coaches, we did not just pick them up off the street. Now, shall we begin?"  

Everyone said yes, and held his clipboard up, ready to read off names. 

"Alright, starting with Courtney Jones. Courtney, your coach will be Miss Nicole Jenkins." 

A slim Mexican woman raised her hand, and Courtney walked off the stage and in her direction. 

"Bahja Rodriguez, Breaunna Womack, and Zonnique Pullins, your coach will be Miss Jen Harolds." The same thing happened, and I watched as the girls walked off the stage to go unite with their coach. I'm not gonna lie, they were pretty, but something seemed off about them. Maybe it was the hair colors, or the way they dressed. 

"Ray Ray, Princeton,Prodigy, and Roc Royal, your coach is Mr.William Esop." Princeton? I knew everyone else had other names but I thought Jacob was... well... Jacob. 

I watched as they trailed off the stage, and towards the most finest piece of adult chocolate I've seen in my life. I swear, if I were just a few years older, lord knows what I would do. 

"Do you see their coach?" Kaylan whispered, also mesmerized by his appearance. 

I just nodded my head, as I gazed at his muscular body.  

"Elize Fortwood, your coach is Miss Pam Edgar." There goes the hippie chick. 

"Aliyah Johnson and Kaylan Jordan," Finally. 

"Your coach is Miss Rachel Marie." 

She didn't even need to raise her hand because she was holding a sign that read, 'Rachel Marie (Best Coach here, trust me)'. 

She was a dark black woman, young, with a full figure. 

"Hi, nice to meet you two." She smiled.  

When the man finished naming off the participants along with their leaders, he stood back on the stage and grabbed the microphone. 

"Alright, now that everyone is settled down and with their new coaches, I'd like to reveal this week's category! For week one, the category is..." 

I looked Miss Rachel, and she looked focused as she crossed her fingers. 

"Free Choice!' 

"YES!" She rejoiced.

"Alright, let's go somewhere, more secret shall we?" Miss Rachel said, standing up.  

We followed her, and before we walked out of the door, she glanced at Jen Harolds, the coach that had the girls with the colored hair.

As we walked down the hallway, the scene kept replaying in my mind. Why did Rachel mug with such envy?

We stopped at a wooden door, and Miss Rachel heaved it open to reveal a dance studio. Not a big one, but big enough for us three.

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