Chapter Five

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A/N; This is UNEDITED! I was too exicted to post it. You're welcome

Enjoy ;)

~Jacob's POV

"Jacob, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Dad shouted, traumatized.

A few people in the waiting area looked at us, and a nurse walked up to us and asked to lower our voices.

You see, this is how it all went down.

I took Stacy out for the day. I wasn't taking her for a month or anything crazy like that, I just wanted to show Dad that I wasn't fucking okay with his decision to start a relationship with that woman.

I took her first to a McDonalds with a playplace.

I bought her a happy meal, and I got a Big Mac, medium fries, and a medium Coke.

So what if it was 8 in the morning?

I let her play around for about thirty minutes, then we went to the park.

Dad had sent me 3 texts asking where I was and if I had Stacy.

Of course I deleted them all without reading them.

"We play hide seek?" She asked in her adorable little toddler voice.

I nodded my head yes, and she ran to the slide.

I followed her, and she pushed me away giggling, and said, "No cheating! You count!"

I walked away, and counted loudly.

"7,8,9,10!" I yelled, before opening my eyes to start my search for Stacy.

I first looked behind a tree, she wasn't there.

I looked behind the slide, the swings, and the teeter-totter.

She was nowhere to be found.

I gave up after ten minutes, sure that she would get tired of hiding and come out.

I felt my phone vibrate, and half-expected it to be Dad's ass texting me again.

It was Aliyah.

'Hey, haven't talk to u in a while huh?' the text said.

'who's fault is that?' I replied back.

I grabbed my earplugs out of my pocket, and Played 'Function (the Remix)' by E-40.

The song had just reached Chris Brown's part when I heard an ear- piercing screech, and a car door slam.

I looked to where the sound came from, and m heart jumped out of my chest.

A black 2013 Volkswagen Passat





~Aliyah's POV

I finally got to Cierra's, and knocked a few times.

It took about three minutes, but she finally came to the door.

"Please, come in." she whispered in a weak and depressing tone.

She wasn't wearing anything but undergarments, a very long gray hoodie that went down past her knees, and a pair of white ankle socks.

Cierra's hood on the hoodie was pulled over her head, and past her eyes so you could hardly see her face.

Her hair was tied up in a sloppy ponytail, and she had no makeup on.

I walked in, and observed the house.

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