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Jungkook pushed the luggage cart while Rion and Xander are sitting on the top of the luggages eating rice crispy. Tzuyu wrapped her hand around Jungkook while holding a purse, "Are they already there?"

"That's where Jhope hyung and Momo lives.."


He nod his head and look at her phone then to Jungkook again. They look at the car waiting for them then put the luggages at the back. Tzuyu pressed on her phone waiting for Jihyo and Yoongi to come out.

"Where are you guys at?"

"Coming.. Heri hurry up!"

She saw Yoongi coming out of the door holding a luggage. He placed the bag at the back of the car then look at Jungkook, "Tzu.. Can you and Jihyo sit next to the kids?"

"Yeah.." she nodded. Yoongi quickly pushed Jungkook inside the car and sit. They were talking inside while drinking a energy drink. Then Tzuyu let Heri enter inside first then Jihyo and she's the last person to enter with her two kid before closing the door.

Rion grabbed the bag and take her phone, "I wanna play games.."

"Mom Rion played all day yesterday before we leave.. Its my turn.."

Jungkook hand him his phone, "Here.. Stop complaining.."

Xander pressed on his phone then play while Tzuyu wipe their sweats. She look at heri currently typing on her phone texting someone then to Jihyo, "Isn't she too addicted to her phone.."

"Ohh Im very trying to control my anger right now to be honest.. Because her dad is right there.." She rolled her eyes. Tzuyu smiled and look at Heri then take a deep breath, "Heri.. You need to stop using phone a lot.. You're addicted.."

She looked at Tzuyu then show her phone, "Im texting my teacher about what's our homework going to be.."

"Heri we called your school.. You're going to be excused.." Jihyo is frustrated. Heri put her phone down and leaned on the window watching the people. "What grade is she?" Tzuyu asked.

"She's incoming 6th grade.."

"Kids these days only worries about make up, boyfriends, and not having a phone.. Unnie you know our life back then.." She laughed. Jihyo nod her head, "Ohhh Verry.. I love those days.. But its just a memories now.."

Tzuyu felt a head drop on her arm, Xander fall asleep really fast and drop the phone on the ground. Rion looked at him, "He's weak.."

"Rion.. Go to sleep too.."

"No.. Im still playing.."

After an hour the car stopped in a resort parking lot. The driver stepped out and grabbed the luggage car, taking all their luggages from the back. Jungkook look at the two sleeping then carry Xander, "Babe.." Tickling her chin.

Tzuyu looked at him then to Rion still playing on the phone. "Rion lets go.."

Heri opened the door and stepped out waiting for everyone to start moving. She looked around and saw a guy walking alone to the resort holding his bag. Her face blushed, seeing a goodlooking kid going inside the resort, "That means I'll see him there? Omo.." she covered her mouth.

"See who?" Xander asked. She crossed her arm and flipped her hair, "Nothing.. Lets go.."

Rion followed her while dragging his little luggage. Then stop waiting for Xander, "You're really weak.."

깊은 사랑 학교(Deep Love School) ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now