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dear jack gilinsky,

i will never find it in my heart to forgive you. not only did you rape me, use me, and expose me to the whole school... you made me lose the person i love. i really hope one day that the truth comes out. the truth is everybody, he raped me and took pictures of me while i was knocked out, drunk and high. i also hope you never find love, you of all people don't deserve it. i also hope that you endure the same fate i had to deal with, because of you. and you may be wondering what that is, right? well, it's being the most hated person at school. i pray that you feel completely stuck and isolated, just how i did. i hope that you'll have absolutely nobody to turn to, and that you have to sit in your room and cry yourself to sleep, if you even end up sleeping that night that is. if you couldn't tell by this letter, i fucking despise you, please rot in hell.

dear jack johnson,

you played a part in gilinskys little game with me, therefore, i will never forgive you as well. you helped him ultimately destroy my life, and there's no going back from that. now, i never really have been friends with you or close with you, so i don't have anything else to write. i guess i'll just end my letter with this, i fucking hate you.

dear kathryn,

you used to be my best friend, until gilinsky sent you those pictures of me. after that, you completely stopped talking to me. why? i don't know. hopefully you can explain it to me. i must admit, we had really good memories. i mean, you're the reason i met grayson in the first place. all good things come to end though, right? there's something i never told you though, and im surprised i never got around to it. well, aiden killed himself... i know you probably don't care at all, but i just feel like you should know. i really could've used a friend like you while dealing with that, but it's okay i guess.

dear ethan,

thank you so fucking much for letting me explain my situation with jack, and actually believing me. i understand why you told me you can't talk to me at school, it was because i was the biggest fucking loser. everyone hated me, and it's okay that you didn't want to be seen with the most hated person, i wouldn't of wanted to either. you definitely ended up being one of my best friends, and i'll always cherish our awesome memories. i never really told you a lot about my life, so let me explain while i still can. my parents died 3 years ago, they were in a really bad car accident. because of that, my older brother, aiden, had to drop out of college to take care of me. pretty recently actually, he committed suicide, which left me to fend for myself. anyways, please take care of grayson for a while, because i know he's gonna hate the decision i made. also, let him know none of this is his fault. i know he hates me because he doesn't believe me, but like he said, jacks excuse is way more believable than mine.

dear grayson,


*cliff hanger
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