New Philosophy

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The Ship, Mind found himself on was a huge floating barricaded fortress. The rooms were tiny and the Crew was huge, but it was a better option than to wander in the burnt forests of the wastelands. The Ship, had no particular destination. It was lead by a barbaric man named Kyros, who once left the lands to pursue his conquering on the waters.

Kyros was a fiery monster. Everything he owned resonated in fire. His clothes were lava red, his boots were cremated and smelled like burnt rubber, he had no eyebrows because at one point they got burned, but his most guarded possession, his daggers, were themselves made of fire. He kept his weapons with him at all times, even during his sleep.

Everyone on the ship was called 'scum'. Sometimes, Mind wouldn't even recognize who was being thrown overboard, he would just assume it's someone named 'scum'. Everyone had a job too. Some scum were here to fish and cook, some were here to watch and guard, and then, there's Mind, the lonely scum who mops. No one really payed attention to Mind, except one other scum: Jones.

Jones was the first person to welcome Mind aboard. Eleven years ago, Mind hailed the Ship on the dead shores of the Wastelands. He had his weapon on his back, burning his flesh with pain. Mind was thrown a rope that he held on tight. The first pair of hands that helped him aboard were Jones. A well-built man with fiery blue eyes and scorched skin, however, he didn't give any older than Mind. The two quickly got along, and it didn't take Mind much to tell him his story and where he came from. The Arthrax and the Map slept beside Mind every night for the past eleven years. No one seemed to care about his possessions, they all seemed to be intrigued by his back wounds, who radiated a very bright green during the dark.

The Ship sailed for almost a decade. Mind learned how to use a gun, how to fish and how to sail using the stars, but no matter how efficient and smart he proved to be, he always returned to the same mop and the same set of floors he had to clean. Jones was responsible for navigation, and quickly taught Mind about the world, and the stars.

Mind had acquired a new philosophy, that he didn't know he needed, until he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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