The Mountain

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"Heart... This is not the time to pursue another Quest," sadly said Mind. He knew that Heart would abandon, for the sake of finding herself, all this. She would abandon her artifacts, her sword, and her life, just to pursue, yet another Map. Heart was really getting worse. She was at her worst, both physically and mentally; the curse has spread so far, that Mind could see her open wounds on her necks.

"Look at yourself! You are cursed! And so am I!" Exclaimed Mind. He got closer to her and whispered, "We have all seven artifacts, the Mountain is ours..."

"You do not own all seven artifacts," shouted Plutus. "Look at your diamond."

Mind took the diamond from his pocket, which happened to be Plutus' artifact. The diamond felt strangely uncomfortable, hotter than usual, until it started warming up, burning eventually. Mind dropped it the moment it made impossible to bare.

"What have you done to it!?" Asked Mind.

"I cursed it. If I don't give it to you, you won't be able to hold it and take it to the Mountain."

"Then give it! We helped you escape your eternal prison! We saved your life!" Cried Mind.

"I'm afraid I cannot do this. I am bound to my artifact, my soul is attached to it. And now that I am the last of my race alive, I hold the power of the realm in my hands."

Heart was ethereally out of this world. But the moment she heard that they were missing an artifact, and couldn't have it, she raged.

"However, there is a solution to all of this. I can transf-"

But Plutus didn't finish his sentence. His heart was spilled, torn and crippled by the blade of a sword. The reverb of the iron edge exiting Plutus' shadow created an earthquake in the whole realm. The last guardian of the realm had died, and this world was doomed to be unstable.

"Five. Pick up the diamond and give me your hand," ordered Heart.

While Mind was holding the still hot diamond, Heart had already carved Plutus' heart out. She took Mind's hand and the two disappeared in a storm of lightning and dust.

Today was the one hundredth day of open world sailing. The Crew were getting really tired, sleeping on rocking beds, drinking the same salty water, eating the same disgusting food, manning the sails repeatedly, scrubbing the decks and being pushed around. But the Crew was getting tired of not reaching their destination. That was until the most uncommon of lines resonated on the ship.

"LAND!" Shouted Souscap.

And land they reached. The first grains of sand, the first trees, the first patches of green, the Crew saw in a hundred days. It almost felt like they reached Heaven.

"It seems uncharted," concluded Souscap.

"It's because it is," replied Captain. My friend, we have reached our destination. This is Unreachable Land, the land accessible to everyone and no one."

"ANCHORS DOWN!" Shouted Souscap. "So, this is your promised land of fortunes and treasures?"

"I hope it is..." doubtfully replied Captain.

Heart and Mind suddenly appeared on the other side of the realm. They stood on a hill, overlooking the land imperfections. They were now truly intoxicated; mayhem, disorder, madness, havoc... all chaos. Heart didn't know what she started, but Mind knew well. Heart had started the destruction plan; the physical one.

Mind was still looking at the chaotic scenery, while Heart, was focused on what was ahead.

"We are here," coldly said Heart.

"Where is here?" Asked Mind.

"The Mountain. We are at the feet of the Mountain."

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