Aversion and Lust P.I

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"Philotes is the name. Servant of the faithful, daughter of the Night, and owner of this humble demeure. You should thank me for everything I have done for you."

"Thank you I guess..." Replied Mind. Wait what? She said humble demeure? Daughter of the Night? Servant of the faithful? Who was this person? "I'm sorry to be in such a hurry but I think I need to go."

"Now now, I think you won't be in such a hurry after you see my Aespex." Philotes was still sitting on her chair. She didn't even flinch. She was communicating with Mind anonymously.

Her Aespex? Was she another goddess who has room that has a stone pillar in the middle and an inscription of some sort, tied to an unsolvable riddle that leads god knows where? No matter. Mind needed to see her Aespex and try to harvest it. 

"Alright. Lead the way."

With a flick of a finger, the two instantly teleported into a stone cold stone room. In the middle, laid the Aespex, as predicted. Mind approached the pillar. It felt very similar to the previous two. It was decorated in crimson and white. However, two things were missing. The artifact and the inscription

"Looking for these?" Asked Philotes, holding a small rose and a pentagonal palette. "Let's make a deal. I'll tell you a riddle. If you guess it correctly, you get to have my items. If you guess incorrectly, I get yours. Seems pretty straightforward to me, no?"

"Yes well, but how much can you trust a Goddess?" Questioned Mind. "After all, you are a Goddess of-"

"Lust. Goddess of Lust."

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