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The start was always the hardest. Mind had no equipment, no food, and an open chest. How was he able to reach Adioaramau? Why did he even need to reach it? Was there fortune at the top? Gold and silverware? All he knew was his journey was so hard, giving up before starting seemed to be a good idea.
But then, he remembered Gaia. Oh that beautiful angelic goddess. She was a blessing to Mind. It almost felt like he didn't deserve her. She was too good to be true. And the thought of her, walking, running, swimming, hiking, climbing, falling, aching, tripping, sleeping, waking, continuing, and living with him, gave him just the right amount of self boost to quickstart the journey.
And that's what they did. Overlooking this immense world, a valley laid on the horizon. Their very first obstacle. Mind just wished his heart wasn't half open at the least.

"Sorry, about your chest wound. Stand still, " said Gaia. And it felt magical. Mind never had this feeling before. Healing. Both figuratively and literally. His chest wound disappeared, the pain was all gone too. But he also felt like his past has been healed from any wound and any pain. Healing. Such an ecstatic sensation. And Gaia, was the greatest healer Mind has ever seen.

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