Ferocity And Vengeance

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"She played me! I am going to kill her! Mind, we need to reach this castle immediately!"

Mind saw the rage in her eyes. It wouldn't be too long until Heart would ask him for her Katana, it wouldn't also take long for Heart to drive her thick needle in Lyssa's thick heart. He needed to find a way to reason his companion, without any bloodshed. One thing reassured Mind; he had time...

"WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" Yelled Captain as the night was turning into dawn. "FASTER! WE MUST GO FASTER!"

"Cap'n, we have reached the maximum speed. We cannot go any faster with the men we have," affirmed a Crewman.

It has been seventy-two days sailing on the open seas. Captain, now in possession of the so-called Map of Light, was taking nineteen men into the unknown. The Map was alive now thanks to Harmonia, but its pulsing didn't really help Captain much. It made it even more hard to read with all the routes, the red X's and the islands jumping and moving around. However, the Map seemed to calm down at night. That's when Captain had his chance to investigate it and solve it. But for seventy-two days straight, he failed. 

Mind and Heart were now walking their way towards the castle. It has been seventy-two hours but it seemed like forever. It was a far destination to reach, and the two had to stop very rarely in order to keep pace. One thing kept Mind's mind running; He kept on wondering what will Heart do with Lyssa... Was she going to kill her and imbue herself with a sixth curse? Was he going to kill her and imbue himself with a fatal death? Was Lyssa going to kill them before they even reach the castle? Will they even reach their destination? All these questions, and Mind could only think of one to say.

"I always wondered, why did Gaia, instead of placing me somewhere safe, decided to put me to sleep in a house where I would be dead if I didn't solve a riddle?" Asked Mind.

"I wonder that too..." Shakily said Heart.

"Are you okay?" Questioned Mind.

"Yes, why would you ask?"

"It seems this question troubled you, that's all."

"Oh no, it must be the fatigue I guess."

But this question did trouble Heart. Heart had many things to hide from Mind. But now wasn't the time for her to tell him Gaia didn't rescue him, or the time to tell him that she was the one to take him to the mill. Heart was enraged with ferocity and vengeance and she needed Mind to keep her sane. Her heart was blinded.

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