Revelations P.I

49 11 4

Captain was being taken inside a Temple. Inside this architectural colossus, stood pillars covered by aging algae and rising greenery. The ceiling was a starry night, depicting the evolution of Life on this Islà. At first, an Amazon is born from stardust. Her fall from the void sky into the darkness of Earth represents her downfall and uprise as a Warrior. The stardust transforms into pure energy orbs, meaning, a Warrior will eventually reach her apogee of strength. However, the ball of energy fades away, and this depicts how an Amazon eventually ends her Warrior days and rests in peace. The Temple was also a sanctuary for the mother of Amazons Harmonia, goddess of harmony and concord. Young Amazons would gather around the statue of their primordial.

Captain reached a room, who had a deep chill. The coldness of the empty place was unbearable. For an island that burned through summer, this room felt like an iceberg. Captain was now being taken to a wall, that had shackles fixed on. "Great, just what I needed" murmured Captain.

Two days have gone by. Captain was given food rationally, barely enough to feed a small dog. But he was more worried about his Crewmen. He needed them not to look for him. He needed them to stay alert for any activity; No actions should be taken. He needed them to trust him with handling the situation. That's when suddenly, Huntress and two other rangers burst into the room.

"State the nature of your invasion!" Shouted Huntress.

"Discovery, and adventure milady," replied Captain

"LIES!" Roared the ranger.

"What if I told you I am on a conquest?" Started Captain. "I am on a very important quest. In my possession there's a Map. A Map that no Man can handle. It's a magical Map that leads its withholders into the places they want to sail to most and -"

"And it led you here?" Asked Huntress

"No, it actually didn't lead me anywhere. I had to pause my quest. The Crewmen were feeling tired of sailing through the fog and the chilly winds. We needed a place to stay, and thus we ended up on this Island. I sent out two runners to scout the area for food. But apparently your approach was bit hostile. If you would let me go and I could -"

"How do I know if you're telling the truth?" Questioned Huntress.

"In my left pocket, you can see the Map for yourself." Answered Captain.

Captain was already getting robbed of his Map. Huntress took it from his pocket, and examined it beneath the small window. It was high noon, and the sunlight was at its finest. The Map was torn from the sea salt, but Huntress could see well the routes and paths. The Map had most of its area covered in a shadowy substance, that could only be revealed upon those who had the will. And thus, the Islà was off charted and couldn't be found.

Back at the Temple's altar, Huntress rose atop Harmonia's grave, who was directly beneath her memorial statue. It was illuminated by a tiny cylinder of light, coming straight down, shining on the goddess' head. The female warrior gave a small nod to the statue, and rested the Map at the feet of Harmonia. That's where Huntress was startled.

The shadows on the map were moving. New lands appeared, old ones disappeared, tiny stars were now submerged in the oceans.

The Map was alive, and it was beautiful.

Huntress' attention on the Map quickly faded away. She got surprised by the look of two rangers rushing in. One had a knife in her thigh. One was already half dead from a bullet wound. Huntress quickly rushed outside. Fires were burning in the middle of the day. Smoke was filling the vast greenery of the land. The houses couldn't be seen from all this ashy fog. But, atop the hill, stood an army of Men. On the hills, were a hundred and nineteen men, looking down upon the Tribe, like a carnivorous beast looking down upon his prey.

It was dinner time for the Crew.

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