Humility and Pride P.I

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The stone pillar was about the same height as the one found in the Pecunia, however it wasn't glowing blue nor was techy. It was the complete opposite; it was made of cobblestone and had vines trying to cover the blackness of the rocks. Atop the pillar, laid an inscription, similar to the hexagonal one in Mind's pocket. But this time, it was triangular. And it read:

"This is the fourth monument of will,
Where poverty consumes the weak
It is only near the glaciers you'll find the pill
That grants you the power of peak."

All of this sounded sketchy. But to add surprise to it all, up and over the inscription, laid a single gold ore. It wasn't bigger than a thumb though, unlike anything present in the castle. Mind took the palette and the tiny gold ore, stuffed them in his pocket with the hexagon and the diamond. Mind now had a second piece of the unknown jigsaw puzzle. But he neither knew what he was trying to solve, nor why he was trying to solve a seemingly impossible puzzle. What puzzled Mind even more, was the fact that the hexagon and diamond were linked to a God, where the triangle and the golden ore were found in a castle of a very prideful man. But that was the lightning; the thunder that shook Mind's thoughts into a single revelation. Mind wasn't in the humble demeure of a man. He was in the home of a God. The God of Pride.

"About damn time you figured this out son," threw Hubris, overlooking the mortality of Man.

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