Life and Continuity

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Deep in the heart of the Isla de Corazón, was located an ancient Tribe. Lead by Huntress, this civilization saw nightmares and abominations, wars and destruction but also saw Life and Continuity. The Tribe was consisted of women only, reproduction was absolute, but they believed that the soul of an aging Amazon would not perish like the body, but would chose a new one upon the death of its host. The Tribe saw also many unfortunate events in their early days; The Heart of the Tribe was a council of Nine, who held the fate of the growing civilization. If the council took a bad decision, the Tribe would suffer the consequences, if the council made a mistake, the Tribe would suffer the consequences. Huntress tried to keep the bonds between the women, as strong as possible, but there's only so much one person can accomplish. The only thing that kept Huntress' mind eased at night, was knowing that they were alone on the Isla. No one could find them; no one could compromise their location. The Tribe was safe.

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