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"For one to understand the Map of Darkness,
One has to divide, one has to conquer, one has to be consumed, by Darkness itself.
The valley will illuminate the path of the ones seeking Destiny."

"OK, so, what do you think this means?" Asked Mind. "I mean, it's all just a code for something, a riddle within a riddle. This shouldn't be too hard right?"

This was the text that appeared over the charcoal surface on the map. But it was far from easy. Heart knew well what it meant. However, Mind shouldn't, and she needed to somehow steal the Map of Darkness. It was her only chance to find herself.

The Crewmen, armed with swords, knives and pistols, stood there, waiting, over the hill overlooking the Tribe. They formed a hotline, extending as a horizon. Fires were already being put down by Amazons, but the firing rate of the men was far greater than the extinguishing rate of a couple women. The Tribe was in misery. Chaos took over Order, Failure took over Prosperity, War took over Peace. Looking from afar, Huntress was able to see through their invaders. They weren't ready to fight, they didn't want to. Captain was not that important to them after all. They were just showing up, in hope of negotiations, thus, no damage was too important. "Prepare the Warriors. It's time to fight."

Heart was not ready to betray anyone's trust. And certainly not Mind's who's been so far very kind. She saw some potential in him, a smartness that she didn't encounter often, a kindness that she didn't feel often, a beating heart, radiating passion, that she did encounter, very often. But Mind was preoccupied by something else. "One has to divide, one has to conquer, one has to be consumed, by Darkness itself." It was pretty odd. Why would a Map lead to Darkness? Aren't Maps supposed to be the key to finding treasure and happiness? It all seemed weird, but Heart understood clearly what it meant. And somehow, she felt that Hyperion did too. The Map wasn't destined but to Heart, and no one else.

Huntress burst into the room. This time, she had a spear with her. She was armed to the teeth, dressed like someone you wouldn't want to mess with. Captain, still shackled could observe from far the fires, he could smell them, he could hear the screams, the stomps, the agony and the pain. He could feel the presence of Men. A presence that only radiated trouble and torment. Huntress was furious, and with a single swift of her spear, she scorched Captain's bare torso.

"This is nothing compared to the atrocities you are going to see" claimed Huntress. "This is your plan from all along? Get captured and lead your slaves here?"

"They are not my slaves." replied Captain. He could feel the burning pain in his chest. However it was nothing compared to the atrocities he was going to see.

The Moorcon valley was now barely visible in the glowing sun. Heart was observing the stones in awe. The Moonstones radiated a small visible silver light, but it somehow felt like they weren't giving out their full potential. However, the Zircons didn't glow at all. They were extinguished, almost as if they didn't want to light up. Heart took one from the ground to examine it. It was a dark blood red crystal. Nothing extraordinary about it, but the fact, that it didn't glow like its silver counterpart.

"What do you think this message means?" Asked Mind.

"I don't really know. But I know that it's not made for you," replied Heart. "You look like a good guy, who can't get involved with Darkness. You are like, very, Light. And it might change you if you pursue Darkness. Trust me, I've been the-, nothing sorry."

"You seem troubled. Tell me what's on your mind, please."

"It's nothing really. I don't like to talk about it. It's a very, dark, time in my life. I wish not to remember it either. So please, don't try and - "

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