Lands and Oceans

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Heart wasn't loved by many, but Heart had a secret admirer, someone who looked at her the way she had to be looked at, she was worshiped by Hyperion, the God of Light. Hyperion treated Heart like a celestial equal, although he knew she was merely a mortal. Hyperion loved Heart so much, so long and so deeply, that he was ready to march down to the gates of the underworld to steal her from Erebus' hands. But Hyperion had to be stopped there; He can't be involved in a chaotic war that could potentially wipe out Lands and Oceans. And thus, Hyperion was put to a halt. Eons passed, and the memory of Heart teared Hyperion apart, until he decided to do something about it. And like so, Hyperion climbed down the Divine Realm to the mortal world, and approached Heart. The moment they touched, the moment they felt each others' gaze falling upon one another, the moment one's eyes found the other's was the moment Hyperion hoped, marched, and waited for.
But Heart didn't feel the same about Hyperion. Although Hyperion was made of Light and Divinity, she didn't see him the way he needed to be seen. Her heart was owned by Darkness and Chaos. She wasn't ready for a change. Not yet anyway. And thus, Hyperion, crippled, broken, shattered and destroyed returned to the Divine Realm.
Hyperion was as bright as he could be; he never lost a war, he overthrew his father, he created celestial movements and defied the Gods. But Hyperion failed to acquire Love. He failed the simplest, yet the hardest of tasks. Heart turned into a lost memory, a sound perception, and a forbidden imagination.

"Of Hyperion we are told that he was the first to understand, by diligent attention and observation, the movement of both the Sun and the Moon and the other Stars, and the seasons as well, in that they are caused by these bodies, and to make these facts known to others; and that for this reason he was called the father of these bodies, since he had begotten, so to speak, the speculation about them and their nature."

Celebrations in the Tribe were going really smooth. Huntress never felt this much harmony and happiness among the Amazons. Until, two rangers returned with the most terrible news Huntress could have hoped to hear. The Islà was compromised, intruders are invading this Land. 

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