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Mind is the person that couldn't recognize feelings, even if they were right under his nose. Mind is also the person that won't reveal feelings, unless his plan for them is flawless. Mind will tirelessly wait for the right moments, calmly prepare the right scenes, studiously create the right opportunities and miraculously fail any task. Why is that so? Mind is complicated, always was, always is, always will be. His fear for rejection, drove him to seek perfection in all the work he has done, seek perfection in school, sports, competitions, and even in love. Mind will always try to win at everything; is that a good thing you ask? Oh no. It's not. Insanity is what it is. Mind can't understand that life isn't a race that in order to win, you have to stay in the lead, no, life is a relationship, connecting yourself, with the outside world. It is competitive, but it's not a competition.

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