Curse Of The Gods

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"You really are stubborn aren't you?" Asked Heart. "I told you not to remove those leaves."

Heart was still facing the water, her back still bare and turned towards Mind.

"Curse of the Gods, It's what you get for killing one God. I killed four and a deity. I am dying at an even faster rate. And this is why I am hunting those Artifacts. Collecting all seven will unlock an undying wish atop the Mountain and will hea-"

"No. If you think I'll follow you on to some madness, you are wrong. I trusted you once with a lifelong work. I won't trust you again with it."

"Mind, where are your Artifacts?"

Mind felt his pocket. They weren't there. That's where a grim materialized on his face. The Artifacts were still in Philotes' house, and there was no way to get them back.

"No, the artifacts aren't at the mill. They are with me. Now, like it or not, if you want them, you'll have to actually come and get them. We still miss the seventh artifact and it is wit-"

"Did you really just say 'We'? We, aren't going anywhere, and I need my Artifacts back," ordered Mind.

"Here's a thought. I give you mine, to keep with you at all times. You get to have them in your pockets, feel them whenever you want. I'll even give you my Katana. I'll need it when I'll need it though, same thing for the Artifacts. You get to be in charge, but we do things my way," proposed Heart.

"How is this democracy then?"

"It's not. I am dying and I want to live. And I can't do it without you, I mean your help. Here, have them."

Heart threw a bag at Mind's feet. Inside, were twelve items. A circle, a thin ruler, a triangle, a square, a pentagon and an hexagon marked the territory of the Palettes. They were nothing but indicators as to where to go to find the next God. The Artifacts were glowing. Mind distinguished the diamond, the gold ore and the rose. Next to them were a glass tear, a fancy sword and a very dark sphere. The glass tear represented despair. The sword symbolized vainglory and the black sphere was a tribute to gluttony.

"I guess, I'll have to comply. Where to next?" Asked Mind.

Handing him his Katana, Heart looked at him in sad glance.

"Next is the Kingdom of Lyssa, Goddess of Wrath. We, are descending to the Underworld."

Uncharted TerritoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora