As Above So Below

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Deep in the heart of the Islà, two runners were skimming through the bushy landscape. They were on strict orders to seek and find, and not intervene; their Captain was extremely worried about actually finding life. However the runners were weary, it always felt like they were followed, as above, so below.

It was hard to keep up with the runners. The two rangers were jumping from tree to tree, quickly hiding into the shadows, disappearing with the greenery. It was night after all, and their preys couldn't see them. They were smart, they knew how to outrun and outseek. But two can play at this game, or in this case, four. Today was forbidden to holster weapons, but sleeping darts were allowed. All they needed was a clear shot...

The runners picked up scent. They were actually closing in on the Tribe, rhythmic bangs and earth stomps filled up their silenced ears. Soon, women dancing round a fire, laughter and happiness all around materialized to them: they finally found life. A smile appeared on their faces.

"They saw it! They saw the Tribe! We must take action!". And as quick as light, one ranger pulled out her dart gun, and quickly zapped the intruders with a single swift of her breath. The two runners fell back and down the hill. They were now lying down in mud, with tiny arrows planted in their chest. By the time they wake up, they will suffer from short term memory loss, thus protecting the location of Tribe. No one will know what this Islà holds now. Not yet.

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