Vulnerable, Exposed, Weak

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"You mean to tell me, you, Heart, Godkiller, Katana owner, Map thief and Deity hunter, expect me to accompany you on your journey? Then what? I'll tell you what will happen. You'll lay waste to me the moment my eyes close; You'll drive your Katana in the middle of my throat, or maybe my heart because that's what you like to do; You'll steal my Artifacts, my Palettes; You'll storm out, just like you did that other night. You expect me to trust someone who killed me once, and stole everything I had. I gave you my trust once, why should I do it again?"

"You said it. You want to solve the mystery of Plutus. You want his treasures an-"

"Not true," cut Mind.

"And his fortunes. You want to become a God doing so. You're also irrelevant and self-centered. You think you can throw yourself off a balcony and survive the fall? Who do you think saved you?" Asked Heart.

"I am the master of my own sea, my own sky and my own realm," replied Mind.

"WAKE UP! You are barely a master of your own life. You almost died twice, and you think you're invulnerable? You are a mortal. Mortally mortal. If it wasn't for Gaia, you would have died at your own hands," furiously threw Heart.

"Gaia rescued me? She was the one to ease my fall?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean anything. She promised to be there for you along the way, even if she isn't present physically. But she can't work miracles everyday. You want to throw yourself again? You won't survive this time, and my Katana won't be much of a help."

This was all too much to take for a temporary sight-deprived Mind. He wasn't in his best forms, and the resurfacing of Heart was too much to handle. Not to mention, finding out you are an employee in a world of bosses is a fatal blow to take when you're blind. Mind was vulnerable, exposed, weak. So, he decided to remove the leaves that covered his eyes, hoping some pain would make him more aware. The sun was the first thing he saw. It wasn't really painful. He turned around, and to his eyes, pain came from pain itself. Heart was crouched on the small creek nearby.

Her back was showing. Bare, but not pure. Her back was covered in scars, scars that were alive and eating her flesh. Heart was dying.

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