Wealth and Greed P.II

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The descent down Pecunia wasn't very hard. The shaft was nonoperational, so the two had to climb down the rocky valley. Back on the ground, the valley looked immense. It almost felt like a huge closed canyon, that shone yellow and white when the sun hit its walls. In the middle of the canyon, stood a single pillar. But it wasn't made of stone. It glowed a tech blue. Gaia approached the pillar. It was almost her height. Atop, stood an inscription;

"There lies the the first monument of will
From wealth and fortune rose greed
Pursue the greenery till you reach the mill
For there awaits you a second sin to be freed"

The inscription was on a hexagonal palette, adorned with a lining of gold. It was truly an apogee of wealth and greed. However, one thing caught Mind's eye. On the pillar, laid one single tiny diamond. It was so shiny, so pretty, so clear, that Mind lost himself by staring at it.

"What could this poem mean?" Asked Mind, while still staring at the diamond.

"I have no clue, but you should be the one to decipher it, not me," replied Gaia.

"I don't know, aren't you supposed to help me on this journey?"

"Well, yes. Help you. Not do the journey for you!" Gaia was now pissed. She didn't want Mind to have an affection for her, a kind of dependency on her. No. Gaia got hurt in her life. She had her rough past, millenniums and eras of chaos and destruction. And, she didn't want to feel the same about Mind. He was too fragile to be broken. After all, she just met him.

"Take the diamond with you, Mind. You don't know what it might hold. And also take the hexagon. For now, you need to continue this journey alone. I need you to figure this by yourself. Have some time alone, think about your decisions clearly. I need to think mine too, and hopefully, we will meet again on Adioaramau."

And Gaia, disappeared, in a storm of dust and scents.

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