1: Cabin Fever

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I sit in the passenger seat as we drive up to the cabin that we're vacationing in. It's a couple miles away from the rest of the world, so it should be pretty quiet.

Mr. Baker was in the seat behind mine, and Chris was driving. Chris is deathly in love with me, even though I told him that I wouldn't ever love him back. He's kinda like a boyfriend, but we both see other people as well.

We had to pick up Kells, because we didn't want a ton of cars up at the cabin, and he was still packing when everyone else finished, so Chris and I just picked him up on the way there. Chris doesn't mind Mr. Baker, but Mr. Baker doesn't seem to like Chris too much.

I didn't mind either way. Mr. Baker and I had decided on a break. He started seeing people, so I thought it only natural for me to see other people as well.

Chris didn't come from any gangs, or anything like that. He was a pimp at a strip club, that I had never worked at. Although, he hasn't really met anyone. I have brought him around a few times, but nothing serious.

I was looking out the window, with my knee up, leaning against the middle section/ arm rest. I had my phone in my hand, and my other hand was resting in my lap. My hair was down, I had on a white, crop top type shirt, with some grey sweats, and black vans, with mix match black and white, ankle socks on.

Chris rested his hand on my knee. I didn't really react. I was used to it, by now. There was one man that could get a reaction out of me, and he was sitting behind me, glaring at the man touching me.

"So, do I get to meet everyone at this vacation, or is it everyone I already know?" Chris asks, causing me to look at him.

He was wearing a white, short sleeve, T-Shirt, with a black blazer jacket, black jeans, and some white Nike's tennis shoes. He had a thin, medium length, gold chain around his neck, and small gold bracelet on, with a black watch. His eyes were a bluish green color, he had short blackish brown hair, and some scruffy facial hair too, and was light skinned. He was mixed with different races.

"Everyone should be there." Mr. Baker said coldly, from the backseat.

I looked at him through the reflection on my window. He had on an orange button up shirt, with a black, see-through shirt on underneath. He was wearing black pants, and some black shoes. His hair was a mess, with some darker colored scruff for facial hair. His eyes blue and cold. Eyebrows furrowed, jaw tense, and his shoulders were straightened. He didn't seem too comfortable at all. He even gave off a tense vibe that was bugging me the whole ride.

I brushed it off and looked back out the window. There was nothing but trees and wildlife around. On Chris's side, down the mountain side, there was a lake at the bottom.

"It's right up here." I inform, as we pull up.

We all get out, grabbing our bags and walk into the cabin. Chris held the door open for Kells and I. Kells still didn't like him at all.

"Ayyyy." We heard Dub.

"Wassup, man?" Rook, did a handshake type thing with Chris, as we put our bags down.

"Where's Ace and AJ?" I ask, as everyone comes out to greet us.

"They got caught up in some stuff." Dub explains.

"Couldn't make it." Rook blurted.

"Damn. Basil texted me, on the way over, and said that he can't make it either." I sighed.

"Yeah. J said he had to do some business over in LA, so he isn't coming either." Kells announces.

"Well, damn." Chris sighs.

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