"We should go to the beach," I suggest and he smiles, "Yeah we should." I get myself off the bed and stand up, "Ima go back home and then I'll come back okay?" I say and he says "Yeah that's fine, I'll be here," and I leave the room. "Ana!" He yells down the hall, and I look back "Yeah?" "You're in your underwear," he laughs and I look down. He throws a pair of sweats at me and I put them on. "Thanks." I walk down the stairs to the front door.

Getting into my house I go into my room.  I grab a bathing suit, a towel, and some shoes. Putting them in a small backpack I had, I make my way back to Jason's house. "Do you have sun block?" I ask him going into his room and I laugh loudly as I find a straightjacket on his floor. "Straightjacket? That's pretty odd," I say picking it up and he snatches it from my hand, "That fell out of my dresser," he says embarrassed and I laugh.

"No judgment," I say and he takes out a pair of red shorts from his dresser and goes to the restroom. "It was from a high school play, and I don't plan on putting it back on," he says laughing. "Why not?" I ask and he replies while putting the stuff in a bag, "Just didn't feel right putting it on when I was around people," he says shaking his head possibly remembering memories of the class.

"It was fucking embarrassing to wear that shit," he laughs and I laugh with him. "Anyways, you ready to go?" He asks and I nod my head yes. "We can go to the store before to get some snacks and food," he says as we leave his room and head downstairs and I agree along.

"You can put the stuff in the back," he says and I open the trunk and place my backpack in. Going in the front I close the door and he looks at me, "What beach do you want to go to? One that's close by, or you want to make a small road trip?" He says and smiles at the end. I'm sure he wants to take he second choice, so I say "Let's go far" and he starts the ignition. "Road trip it is" he says and we make our way to the store to get snacks.

Walking in he tells me, "Just get everything, we should stay there the entire day" and I laugh. Getting a cart we walk down the aisles. Jason grabs anything he sees, and throws it in the cart. "Jason, we already gave 3 bags of family pack chips, I don't think we need Lays chips" I say as he had it in his hand, "fine" he puts it back. "Let's get candy" I say getting sour patch kids, gummy bears, and Rice Krispies.

"Diabetes in a cart" he mumbles as he looks at the cart and I laugh out loud. "You heard that?" He laughs and I nod my head. "Do you think we need more?" He asks and I look at the cart. "If we get like subway I think we should be fine for the day" I say and he nods his head. "While you go pay, I'll get the subway" he says handing me some money and I take it to pay. He then walks to a subway inside the store and begins ordering, he knew what I liked.

Placing the items on the black slide I hear someone say, "That's a lot of junk food" and I turn around to see a young guy around my age. "There's never too much junk food" I say and he laughs, "I'm sorry, I'm Andrew" he says and he offers to shake my hand. And I freeze for a moment, "Ana" I say and I continue placing the items to scan and buy after shaking his hand. Weird.

"That's a beautiful name, do you live around here?" He asks and I slightly smile, "Thanks, and no, I live a few citi-" "Can I help you?" I hear Jason say as he stands next to me looking at the guy. "Oh, I was just talking to your sist-" "She's my girlfriend" Jason interrupts the guy. "What do you want?" He tells the guy and I give him a look, "Nothing" he says and he leaves.

"Thanks, he was asking weird questions" I tell him and he doesn't say anything, instead he helps me place the bags in the cart. "Sorry for leaving you alone, I didn't think someone would creep up on you" he says and I tell him as I roll the cart out the store, "it's fine" and he grabs one of the chips bags opening them up.

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