Chapter 27

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"I think, well, I know I still like Michael" Troy shivers,

"That poofta"

"Hey! Michael isn't gay he has a jdnejdndm" Troy puts is ear to me,

"Sorry didn't catch that" I groan,

"A girlfriend" I whisper. Troy laughs

"So wait, your going after a guy thats in a relationship? Wow slutty move"

"NO THATS WHY I NEED YOUR HELP! I need him to not think I'm jealous or a slut. I need your.............. advice?" It came out like a question. Troy sniggered,

"Oh really? I seem to remember you refering to be as a brick wall when it comes to dating"

"Well, yes, you are a dumbass but you are also a dude. If you were dating Gabriella *cough you wish cough* then I asked you out what would you say?"

"I would say no you are to good of a friend to date, it would be awkward between us" I roll my eyes. He isn't helping. I stand up and walk away from him. I check my phone for the weather today. Its funny because I barely use my phone for calling/texting, I mainly use it for checking the time and weather. Holy SHIT.

Today the biggest storm of the decade is supposedly going to wipe through Brisbane TODAY! I have a phobia of storms and it's really bad. Once, I was in primary school and heard a rumble of thunder. I was under the desk shivering in less than a second.

I run to the glass double doors and look into the sky. There are inky black clouds surrounding Brisbane like a bowl. Its closing in fast. The mountains in the distance are a blur by rain and every now and then a flash lights up the far skies. I begin shaking violently. It looks really really scary. I have a habit of working myself up for something small but this certainly isn't small. I can hear the wind howling softly and the trees swaying from side to side. An announcement enhances my worrying,

" Attention please Attention please. School today is cancelled incase of flash flooding and immobility. Please stay inside and away from windows and doors. Thankyou" there was a crunch and he speaker went quiet. The storm was going to be so bad that they cancelled school? I probably should be happy since it is a Friday and I have extra detention classes but I am shaking in my shoes. Many student rush to the windows and doors to look at the storm coming. I feel dizzy. I think that Kaydence heard the message because she raced out of the shower only in her towel and took me into her room.

"Gees Ally, you are very pale. Lie down. I'm sure the storm wont be that bad." My mouth is dry so I just nod. The wind has gotten stronger and I can hear it roaring around the building. I get numerous goosebumps so Kaydence gives me her fluffy Tiger Onesie. I don't even thank her, I just try to think of happy things.

Jesse bursts into the room,

"WHERE IS SHE?!" She runs over to me and tries to calm me down,

"Alyssa, you know the weather reports. They always exadurate what is going to happen. It will be over soon, it's just some water and air. Oh and electricity.but they have never hurt you before." I nod again but continue staring at he blank grey wall.

I think of my mum, she used to hug me tight and rub circles on my back with her thumb. She would make me a hot chocolate and sit down, she would then take my mind off the thunder and belting rain by telling me stories of her life. Jess and Kay are trying there best but they can never beat my mum. I need her.

A warm droplet slides down my cheek. Kay starts yelling,

"ALYSSA HANNAH MILLER DONT YOU DARE CRY! You will make me cry" Kay always cries when her friends do. I gulp my tears down but my throat begins to feel sore from holding it in. I rock myself in a ball and suddenly it starts. A small rumble rolls around the sky. And thats it I jump of the bed and crawl under it. I am shaking so hard that I whack my head on the bottom of the matress. Jess and Kay are calling for me but all I can hear is the loud rumbles and growls echoing around me.

Some more tears fall and I go into full trauma mode. Somehow Jess predicted this and turned the lights off, shut the curtains and stopped talking. Silence and darkness soothes me when I do this. I am sobbing very loud and it drowns out some of the rumbling. The whole bedroom flashes as lightning strikes and shines through the crack in the curtains.

Then I hear the door opening. Jess yells/whispers at someone and there is more soft speaking. Then I hear footsteps and the door shuts again. Someone sits on the bed that I am under.

"Alyssa? Don't think about the storm. Focus on my voice I want to tell you something" I can tell its Michael, I feel half glad and half embarrassed that he found me as a mess. But I keeps silent and automatically listen to him instead of the storm.

"I think I might really like you. That kiss was amazing and I know that I said some horrible things to you but I was just angry that you wouldn't hear me out. I went with Selena because I didn't want us to get serious than me break your heart. Everything I said to you was the opposite of what I really felt. You are gorgeous and everyone loves you, to be honest I am jealous of you. I just knew I would break your heart if I went with you but now I know that I can't be apart from you." My heart was thudding even harder than it was with the storm. I slide out from under the bed and stumble in the darkness. Eventually I find the light, I turn it on and look at him.

Michael is wearing a blue wife beater, black men's skinny jeans and blue raybans. His hair is uncombed but gelled onto one side. He holds out his arms for me. I run into them and hug him really tight. I look terrible with tear stains and runned mascara but he doesn't seems to mind. I start to feel sleepy even though it is still early. Just before my eyelids close I say,

"I love you to Michael" before I fall asleep in his comfortable arms.


I know it has been a while but I needed to update desperately and it was very VERY long.

Hope you like it. THEY MADE UP!!
I hope all you Michael lovers are happy now.


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