Chapter 20

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I wake up in tears. There is a small puddle on my pillow from tears and my clothes are soaked with sweat. That was a terrible nightmare? Let's just hope it was a nightmare.

I sit up and look at the clock
4:00 am
I should have a shower, it is early but I am gross and I want to get in there before the queue. I grab my toiletries, towel and my track suits. I have decided to go on a small jog after the shower, to small to break into another sweat.

I walk to the door and just before I leave I glance at Michael. He is curled into a ball with half a blanket over his legs. He is frowning in his sleep but he sleeps like that naturally. I try to stop myself from tearing up, I can't.

----1 hour later----

I run back towards the dorms extremely fast. I have been running for only 20 minutes but have decided thats enough. During this run I got the most exciting phone call ever!! Well technically it was a voicemail that I missed last night because I was drowning myself in tears.

It was from my dad and this is what it said...

"Hey Ally Honey!
I am just wondering how you are doing at that university of yours? I am doing fine at home. Your best friends told me something... they were very naughty at their old university and got expelled, however they had high enough grades from the exams to go to the BAA. They will arrive tomorrow in the morning. Include them in everythin and introduce them to all your new friends.
Lots of Love
Your dad xoxo"

So I am literally squealing. Jesse and Kaydence, here, the BAA. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. I finally arrive at the dorms but I still have to wait 1 hour until wake up. So I decide to wake Michael up for his prank.

I bend down and shake him violently, he jolts up and glares at me,

"I KNOW I know we aren't exactly friends right now but I thought you should know that someone is breaking into Sheila" Michael stand up revealing his sexy body, he only sleeps in boxers so I have a good view.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?!" He runs out of the room. A smile creeps onto my face and I feel like today is going to be the best day ever.

After about 2 minutes Michael comes back looking steamed as ever.

"Alyssa........ HOW COULD YOU? THAT IS TAKING THIS WAR TO FAR COME ON DONT BRING POOR SHEILA INTO THIS" I burst into giggles and jump onto my bed avoided his arm to grab me. He rolls his eyes,

"Well now that I'm awake I better have a shower. By the way this doesn't make us friends" he grumbles. Then he walks out shutting the door behind him. I stop laughing and agree with him even though he isn't there. We are not friends, that bond is broken.

I wait around excitedly for 7:00, thats when they are arriving, my besties, my other thirds. Suddenly the wake up bell sounds and I scream really loud then bolt outside. I can see a car coming, is that. Could it be? JESSE'S CAR!!!!!!

It's an old Toyota that is a light blue. It is rusty around the top but in pretty good shape for being 40 years old. It was past down to Jesse after her mum, it was her first car.

I can see Jess and Kay in the back, we all have nicknames to which we refer to eachother. I am jumping from one foot to another excitedly, the car doors open and............

"ALLY OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I FREKIN MISSED YOU" Jesse screams. She rushes to me and squeezes until I can't breathe.

"We were driving for forever, I was trying to read my book but crazy Jess over there rode over every frekin bump she could find" groaned Kay. I laugh, typical Jesse. I hug Kay aswell,

"GROUP HUG" yelled Jess. We all hugged and laughed.

"Come ladies, let me show you around"


You needed to see more Jesse and Kaydence I couldn't keep them out


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