Chapter 7

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Michael walks out. Now I can laugh. I laugh until I am crying and am on the floor. Then I hear,

"WHAT I HATE JB WHY ARE YOU ASKING......... ALYSSSSSSAAAAAAAAA" and bam que to laugh again. In storms Michael.


"Oh boo hoo my hair is dark brown and I look like your sister!" I retaliate. Michael groans.

"Ok this prank war is going a bit to far. We have both messed with eachothers, reps and looks. Here is a bag of Oreos to end this war." I love Oreos! I grab the bag and take one out and shove the whole thing in my mouth.

I spit it out.

"Michael did you replace the Oreo creme with toothpaste?" I ask through gritted teeth. He bursts out laughing,

"NOBODY MESSES WITH OREOS" I run at him and tackle him to the ground. I straddle him with my knees holding his arms down. I reach for my make up bag. Michael sees this and squirms. But I have got him in a completely vulnerable position. I move the lipstick towards his lips.

"Don't you dare." He says firmly. A wicked smile comes onto my face and I suddenly stick the lipstick onto his lips. Michael squirms and moves his face which makes the lipstick go everywhere.

Then I do his eyeshadow, foundation, mascara and perfume. In the end it looks like the make-up fairy had vomited on his face. I get off him.

"You witch" he says looking in a mirror. I laugh uncontrollably.

"Now I just have to get to the bathroom to wash this off." He murmurs. He grabs my dolly magazine,

"Hey I was reading that!!" I yell. He puts it over his face the runs to the men's bathroom. I giggle again, I walk out of the room and over to Bianca.

"Who is the new girl" asks Bianca.

"It's me, Ally" she squeals at me,

"You look stunning why is your hair brown?" I was about to tell her about Michaels prank but then I remembered him saying to not tell ANYONE about it.

"Oh I just wanted a change" out of the corner of my eye I see Troy approaching.

"Uh um hey ladies" he says awkwardly. I turn away and walk to the dining hall. 1 because I want to get away from Troy, 2 because the smell of bacon is drawing me. I get to the doors, walk in and I am instantly in heaven.


My mouth waters at the scent. I run to Lily who is at the back of the queue.

"Wow new hair, it looks great" she says, I smile,

"Yeah I am going for a change. What are you getting."

"Hashbrowns, you?"

"Bacon OFCOURSE" she laughs. I have an obsession.

We collect our meals then go sit on a table.

"I am surprised not to see you with Troy. You guys are truly like peas in a pod." I melt down and tears fill my eyes. Lily notices and runs to me and hugs me.

"Sorry, Lily. He just pretended not to know me to impress his friends and I thought he liked me. I thought he was different." I cry onto Lily's shirt. I apologise for the stain.

"It's ok, you needed a shoulder to cry on. We need to pay him back. Are you any good at pranks?"


Ok I need more prank ideas guy. If you have any at all please comment them.

Thankyou so much

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