George looks over his shoulder at his brother and best friend. I see Lee nod heavily and Fred gives a little nod while still looking at the ground. I sigh and turn back to George.

"Promise me you won't laugh."

Fred had looked up from the ground and is now attempting to stare holes in my head. George smirks and sends his brother a look before saying: "We solemnly swear we won't laugh."

I take a deep breath and confess: "I don't have a date to the Yule Ball yet."

We stop abruptly with walking. All three boys stare at me with wide eyes. George opens and closes his mouth twice without saying anything. Lee finally manages to get out: "But, but- we- you- we thought-"

"You thought wrong," I interrupt him harshly, "I have been asked, yes, but that doesn't mean I have said yes to any of them."

The boys stay silent, still processing my words, and I continue to walk.

"I know it is embarrassing. Everyone already has a date. I am thinking about asking Flora to get me one of those Durmstrang boys if everything is taking too long."

This gets the boys' attention and they quickly catch up with me. George and Lee are sending looks at Fred but I don't get a chance to look at him as George wraps his arm around my shoulder again. He smiles at me, seemingly recovered from my confession, "You still have plenty of time, right? Perhaps the right guy takes a little longer, you know, gathering the courage to ask such an amazing witch. When were you planning on asking Flora about getting you a date?"

I shrug, "The Yule Ball is in five days. I have to make sure the outfit of me and my date match so I don't know, maybe if I don't have a date in the next few days, I will ask Flora."

George nods in understanding and quickly changes the subject. We arrive at the Great Hall and I bid the boys goodbye. Heading to the Ravenclaw table, I can feel their eyes on my back.

"Zayko is a really nice boy," Flora says the moment I sit down. She has a dreamy look on her face and I frown. When she sees my facial expression, she explains: "The boy who asked me to the Yule Ball today. We talked a little before dinner."

I nod and pour myself a goblet of juice. My best friend leans towards me and whispers as she looks over to the Gryffindor table: "Did he ask you out yet? Because that is why you are saying no to every boy who asks you, right?"

Following her gaze, I see George and Lee talking excitedly about something while Fred is looking down at the plate, deep in thought.

"No, he didn't. I bumped into them a few minutes ago and George asked who my date for the Yule Ball was. When I told them I didn't have a date yet, they were surprised."

Flora hum, "I saw them this afternoon in the courtyard when Viktor asked you out. Once he was on his knees, they left. I think they thought you said yes to the famous seeker."

She takes a sip of her own drink and asks: "Did you say anything else to them?"

"I told them I was thinking about asking you to secure me a date if I don't find one in the next few days."

Flora laughs, "Didn't you reject the best candidate today and told him to go ask someone else?"

I snicker because, yeah, I did. Viktor has been popular under the female student population and has his own personal fanbase following him around.

"I am sure that boy will finally gather his courage and ask you out sometime tomorrow. I must admit it was a very smart move."

Xavier and Henry look up from their conversation and ask: "What is a smart move?"

My best friend waves her hand dismissively and turns to Xavier. A sly smile spreads on her face and she says: "I heard you secured a date today, Xav. Who is the lucky person?"

At an instant, Xavier's cheeks redden. Henry eyes him with wide eyes, surprised the boy hadn't mentioned anything yet.

"I- Well, my- my date- it-"

The boy looks a little too scared in my opinion and I place a hand on Xavier's arm. When he turns to me, I squeeze it softly and tell him: "We aren't going to laugh at you, Xav. Who did you ask?"

"Actually, I got asked," Xavier answers with a bright smile. Henry whistles and we all look at our blond-haired friend in surprise. Xavier's cheeks are now bright red and he laughs nervously. He plays around with the fork he is holding and after a deep breath, he blurts out: "I got asked by Finley Adams."

"Who is Finley Adams?" Aline asks softly. Xavier turns around to point at a brown-haired boy sitting a few seats away from Fred and George. The boy has his nose buried in a book and shoves food into his mouth with one hand while flipping the pages with the other.

"He is cute," Flora remarks. Xavier's eyes widen and he looks back down to the plate, "Yes, I know that."

"How did you two meet?"

"We have Ancient Runes together. We got paired up in the first class of the semester and started talking."

I nudge Xavier and smile at him, "Didn't I tell you, Xav, there was no need to worry about getting a Yule Ball date!"

Xavier laughs relieved and Henry quickly changes the subject to the test we are getting next Charms class. Once dinner is over, we head back to the carriage for the rest of the night. 

International Love | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now