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My Pov

When the light faded, we found ourselves on a dark beach. As if on their own, Nyaromon, Kyaromon, Xiaomon and DemiVeemon stayed close to us.

"End of the road?" Riku asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Put me down, Hikari. I can walk." Riku said. I briefly let go and he stumbled. I grabbed him, but he regained his composure. Sora was all right too. Sora, Kairi and I walked toward the ocean.

"You know... maybe the darkness had gotten to me, too." Sora said. I heard a thud and saw Riku on the ground.

"Riku!" Kyaromon cried.

"Riku!" I cried. We ran to his side. He lifted his self up with his arms.

"This world is perfect for me. If the is is what the world really is... just this, then maybe I should fade back into darkness." Riku said.

"No! I told you that I would not lose you again! Not if I could help it." I scolded. Riku saw the seriousness in my eyes.

"If the world is made up of light and darkness... we'll be the darkness." Riku said. I could hear the pain in Riku's voice. He knew that we would never see our son again.

"As long as you guys are with me, I don't care where we are." Kairi said. Kairi sat next to Sora, who sat on the right side of Riku. I sat on the other side of Riku. Each of our Digimon sat in our laps.

"Yeah. Kage, Yami, Tai, the King and the others are there." Sora said.

"The realm of light is safe for them now." I said.

"That's what I mean. Hikari, could you help me? I wanna get down to the water." Riku said. Kyaromon and Nyaromon got off us. I helped Riku to his feet and carried him down to the water, with Sora and Kairi following us. "At least the waves sound the same." I couldn't help, but feel I had been to this place before.

"Hey, Hikari. I know it's weird to bring this up all of a sudden, but are you going to tell me now where you had gone when you disappeared from Traverse Town that one time?" Sora asked.

"You're really asking me about that after a year?" I asked. I sighed. "Fine. Master Yen Sid summoned me."

"Why'd he do that?" Riku asked.

"For me to take the Mark of Mastery." I said.

"What's that?" Kairi asked.

"It's a test that Keyblade bearers take to become true Keyblade Masters." I said.

"TRUE Keyblade Masters!? Did you pass?" Sora asked. I nodded.

"I was sent here and took on a vicious Heartless. I also met someone from my past, whose been here since I was five. I failed to bring her back home. That'll probably the only time I ever see her again." I sobbed. Tears slowly fell from my eyes. Riku wrapped his arms around me. Nyaromon wrapped her tail around my arm. I knew she missed Penguinmon as much as I missed Aqua.

"You'll see her again. What's she look like?" Kairi asked.

"Kairi, she was the one who saved us along the Mickey. The one who gave your the ability to wield a Keyblade." I said. Kairi thought for a minute and remembered.

"Oh, the woman with blue hair!" Kairi exclaimed. I nodded. I moved my foot and felt it tap something. I looked down and saw bottle. I picked it up. I noticed there was a piece of parchment inside.

"What's this?" I asked. Riku took it from me and opened it. He slid the letter out and read a little bit of it.

"Sora... I think it's for you." Riku said.

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward and realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky— one sky, one destiny." Sora read. I saw Kairi blushing and trying to avoid eye-contact with Sora as he read the letter.

"I didn't think the letter would come all the way here..." Kairi mumbled. I giggled a little. I took out my Wayfinder and looked at it.

"Your friend made that, right?" Riku asked. I nodded. Then, it started glowing. A small, white beam pointed to my left. I looked and could hear someone coming.

"Someone's coming this way..." I said. After what felt like hours, the person stepped into view. I felt my heart swell when I saw who it was. Aqua. She turned and saw me and had the same shocked, tearful look on her face. Nyaromon was starting to tear up when she saw Pichimon.

"Hikari..." Aqua muttered. I was frozen. I felt a light push. I turned and saw Sora.

"Go on." Sora said. I slowly walked to Aqua, then ran to her and hugged her.

"Aqua! Aqua!" I cried. Tears that I let build up fell down my face. Nyaromon and Pichimon nuzzled each other.

"I thought that one time I saw you was going to be the last." Aqua sobbed.

"I thought that too. Maybe that's why we ended up here. Because you were waiting for us." I said.

"Maybe." Aqua agreed. Just then, a rectangular-shaped light appeared. "The Door to Light." I took hold of her hand.

"This time, I'm bringing you home." I said. We all stepped through the door and landed in the ocean. We all swam back up and looked around.

"Sora! Hikari! Riku! Kairi!" a voice called. We looked and saw Kage and Yami waving to us. It was the Play Islands! We were home! We all swam and the second I was in swallow water, I ran to my sister. From behind her came Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Clip and Stitch. Goofy, Donald, Stitch and Clip tackled me and Sora while Mickey ran to Riku and Kairi. Me, Sora and Kairi looked at each.

No one's Pov

For a brief moment, the three became their Nobodies who smiled at each other. Sora, Riku and Hikari returned home to their parents, who were overjoyed to have their children back. After explaining the situation about their child to their parents and Aqua, Hikari and Riku weren't in trouble. Riku's parents were shocked, but happy to have a grandchild. Aqua was happy to an aunt and to be back with her little sister.

My Pov

I sat on the trunk of the Paopu Tree, watching the sunset. Tai was being watched over by Mom and Dad. Riku sat next to me on the truck.

"I couldn't help but notice you put the ring I gave you on your ring finger." Riku said. I blushed.

"I don't know why I did. I'll move it." I said. I took it off, but Riku gently took it from me.

"I was really hoping you would've waited for me to ask you before putting on your ring finger." Ask me? That's when it dawned on me. He lifted me off the truck and sat me down on the ground. "I know we'll have to wait awhile before we can, but..." He got on my knee. "Will you marry me, Hikari?" Riku asked. I tackled him to the ground.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" He put the ring back on my ring finger. "I don't care how long we wait. It'll be worth it." I said.

"Just don't rush into it." We looked to see Aqua. We got up, blushing. "I knew the first time I saw Riku that he would be someone special to you." Aqua said. I smiled.

"Riku! Hikari! Aqua!" Kairi called. We saw Kairi, Sora and Kage running to us.

"What's up?" Riku asked.

"Look." Sora said. I looked at the bottle Kage had and the letter inside had Mickey's seal on it. I took it, opened the bottle and began reading the letter.

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