The Hooded Man

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My Pov

We hurried into the throne room to find the Captain and Emperor surprisingly calm.

"I assume you already know about the Heartless that's heading this way?" I asked.

"Yes. A young man warned us. Isn't that right, Captain Li?" the Emperor said.

"Y-yes, Your Excellency." the captain said.

"The young man arrived not to long ago and told us of the creature. Captain Li was easily defeated by the man. He was the same one in black that I heard whispers about." the Emperor said.

"Did he tell you his name?" I asked.

"He didn't offer his name. He was rather rude." the Emperor said.

"Rude? Then it WAS Riku!" Sora exclaimed. I heard Donald and Goofy whisper something, but I couldn't make it out.

"Why would he come here?" Mulan asked. Suddenly, the whole palace began to shake. "I'll check outside." We hurried to the front doors. Mulan pushed them only slightly open when the Heartless tried to grab her. It flew away from the doors and we ran outside. Our Digivices activated.

"Veemon digivolve to... Veedramon!"

"Salamon digivolve to... Gatomon!"

The Heartless was flying overhead and it suddenly flew straight for us. We all managed to jump out of the way. Then, we all ran up behind it and grabbed onto its tail. We all climbed on its back as it took off into the air. There was a spike on its back that would emit electricity. I destroyed it with one hit, which caused the Heartless to collapse to the ground. We only did minimal damage to it before it knocked us off its back and flew back into the air. This Heartless had the advantage of being able to fly.

"V-Nova Blast!" Veedramon exclaimed. The attack hit one of the Heartless's wings, causing it to swerve. However, the Heartless repaired its wings. How could we beat it?

'Hikari, my child. You must find the power sleeping in yourself and release it.' a voice said. That voice! It wasn't mom, it was dad!

"I will, Dad." I said. I folded my hands like I was praying and felt a warm light envelope around me. My clothes glowed and changed dramatically. When I opened my eyes, I saw how different I looked. My dress became a purple halter tank top with green, red, and gold lining on the bottom. The top was lined with a thick section of dark purple with gold designs on it, while a gold ornament sat in the center, attached to red, gold, and green material that goes around the neck. Below the chest was a dark purple ribbon tied into a bow with gold accenting. It came with purple sleeves that had gold and blue on top, and gold, green, and red on the bottom, lined with white ruffles. On the left arm, below the shoulder was a romance story emblem. It came with simple gold bracelets with a single blue bead to match the necklace. A gold, white, and blue gradience skirt with small, faded flowers all over it. Designs of pink, yellow, and purple flowers accent the colorful Chinese fans randomly placed on it. The band was purple with gold shapes circling it, with three sheets of material circling the skirt, these being purple with magenta piping, and dark purple lining with gold designs, the second was purple with green piping, and the final layer was golden-yellow. Attached to the skirt was olive material held with a red string bow with colorful pieces attached to it. Attached to the band was a small, thin belt with blue beads on it, some of which are blue dangles. On the left was a romance story emblem, and on each side of the belt was a red string bow with gold pieces attached to it. I now wore crimson wedge sandals with gold and blue toe-straps. They came with a pair of lilac and purple gradience pieces of material, each with a white, blue, and yellow gradience cuff. Attached to it was a gold ornament with a big blue sphere hanging from it, attached to pieces of red, green, yellow, and blue material. The gold ornament sat on a white and red bow. On the lower left of the left leg piece was the romance story emblem. On my head was simple gold tiara with a crescent moon laying on it's side, under a big circle with three pieces attached to it. On each side of the tiara band was a flower shape with a single red string bow and four single pieces of material attached to it; these being green, yellow, blue, and fuchsia. It came with gold pearl earrings with a dangle piece holding three chains of small gold pearls(Look at Aikatsu; Hagoromo Princess Coord). My Crest and Digivice both glowed brightly.

"Gatomon digivolve to... Angewomon!"

"Wow!" Goofy and Donald exclaimed.

"Whoa..." Sora and Veedramon gasped.

"Hikari, watch out!" Mulan cried. I looked to see the Heartless heading right for me. I pointed my Keyblade at the Heartless.

"Pearl Chains!" I shouted. Four gold, glowing chains on pearls shot for Starlight and wrapped around the Heartless. I gripped Starlight with both hands, trying to keep it still. "Now Angewomon!" Angewomon flew up and faced the Heartless.

"Celestial Arrow!" Angewomon exclaimed. She fired a arrow of light at the Heartless, piercing its chest. The Heartless let out a roar as the impact and power of the arrow proved to be too much. A large Heartless emerged from it as shadows engulfed it. Veedramon reverted back to Veemon and Angewomon only reverted back to Gatomon.

"Way to go, Hikari!" Sora cheered. We went back to the palace to inform the Emperor the Heartless was dealt with.

"Once again, you have served China well. It would please me to reward you. What is it that you wish?" the Emperor asked. I looked at Sora.

"Well..." He looked at me. I nodded to him that it was okay for him to ask since he and I wanted the same thing. "You say a guy in black came to see you. What did he say?" Sora asked.

"This that all you request?" the Emperor asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Dragons have crossed our land and left a great web of paths. These dragons wield much power, and they are the source of many gifts to both man and nature. But it would seem someone of evil intent disturbed one of our dragons, and transformed it into what you call a Heartless. It is my belief that this young man came to warn me of that danger. Then, I could alert and prepare my troops." the Emperor said.

"Did you?" I asked. To this, my adoptive grandfather laughed.

"I was about to, but he told me the situation had changed." the Emperor said.

"He said three 'wise guys' had arrived. And they would take care of things." I stifled my laughter. That had to Riku. "Wise Guy" was one of his nicknames for Sora. "He also said with them was a princess of surpassing beauty, bravery and intelligence. That we needn't worry about anyone getting hurt as she was able to protect anyone while fighting even the most formidable foe." the captain said. I blushed a deep red. It definitely was Riku. I felt Gatomon brush my hand.

"That's gotta be Riku!" Sora said.

"But what's he doin' hanging out with Organization XIII?" Goofy asked.

"He has to have a reason. Remember, Mickey was wearing the coat too." I said.

"Oh! That's right!" Donald said. The Emperor then asked Mulan what her request was and she requested that Shang have a vacation. The Emperor explained that he to refuse since Shang was his bodyguard, but then offered Mulan to serve with him, to which she accepted. The sight of them made my eyes water a little. I noticed it was the same with Sora.

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