Strange Sensations

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My Pov

We reached the station and almost instantly, I felt as though we were being watched. That's when these weird white creatures seemed to spiral out of the ground. Both DemiVeemon and Nyaromon started growling and hissing. I noticed the sigil on their heads. That looked like the Mark of Mastery Exam Sigil! Whatever these things were, we had to take them down.

"Well, we can see this as practice for getting back into the swing of things." I said. I summoned Starlight. We had to have been fighting for twenty minutes, but even after we defeated one group of them, another group showed up. Where were they coming from? Sora, Donald and Goofy collapsed from exhaustion. I guess their bodies still needed to recover and adjust, Nyaromon and DemiVeemon soon collapsed. I couldn't let these things hurt them, but I wouldn't be able to keep fighting for much longer. I could barely stand as it was. The rest of them charged right at me.

"Hikari!" Sora cried. I held up my Keyblade to defend Sora and the others. Just then, someone jumped around destroying the rest of the creatures. I looked at the person. It was Mickey! Sora got on his hands and knees and looked to make sure it was Mickey, but Donald and Goofy flatten him.

"Your Majesty?" Donald asked.

"Shh! You've gotta board the train and leave town! The train knows the way." Mickey said.

"Mickey!" I exclaimed. He turned to see me and was shocked.

"Hikari!? Is that really you?" I nodded. "I don't believe! DiZ said you'd never wake up!" Mickey exclaimed.

"I know. I'm happy to be awake. And I'm glad I got to meet you again! I never did thank you for saving me and Kairi all those years ago." I said.

"Huh? Your Majesty, you and Hikari have met before?" Goofy asked.

"Yes, but I don't have time to explain." Mickey said. He took out a pouch and handed it to me.

"Your Majesty..." Donald said. I turned to see Mickey leaving.

"Mickey, are Riku and Kudamon safe?" I called.

"Yes! They're fine!" Mickey said. I sighed with great relief. I felt Nyaromon wrap her tail around my leg.

"I'm glad they're okay." Nyaromon said.

"Was that really the King?" Sora asked.

"It coulda been... Yep, I know it was!" Goofy said.

"Now we know he's okay!" Donald said.

"The King was locked in the realm of darkness, right? But then we met him somewhere else along the way." Sora said.

"Uh huh." Goofy said.

"But we just saw him..." Sora said.

"Yeah." I said.

"And if the King is here, that means Riku's here!" Sora said. My heart fluttered at mention of Riku. DemiVeemon was happy too. He was best friends with Kudamon.

"That means Kudamon is too!" DemiVeemon said.

"He's gotta be!" Donald said.

"Well, me and Hikari are gonna go look for Riku. Then the three of us can go back to the islands together. Kairi's there waiting for us!" Sora said. She's been by herself for a year. I felt guilty leaving my cousin alone.

"Let's go! Donald, Goofy, what are you guys gonna do?" I asked. They both got the funniest looks on their faces.

"Gawrsh, Hikari. Do you have to ask?" Goofy asked. Both me and Sora started laughing. DemiVeemon and Nyaromon did too.

"Hey! What's so funny!?" Donald angrily asked.

"Your face!" Sora and me said in unison pointing at them. They looked at each other and realized how funny they looked. We all busted out laughing. I missed this so much.

"What do you say, guys? Let's stick together for one more journey." Sora said. We all nodded to this. He put his hands behind his head. "To... where again?" I face palmed myself. He looked at me with that innocent look in his eyes. "What?"

"Do you have short-term memory lost, Sora?" I asked.

"We hafta board the train!" Goofy said.

"Oh yeah!" He was hopeless. "C'mon!" Sora said. We hurried into the station.

"Sora! Hikari!" Hayner called. We turned to see Hayner, Pence and Olette.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, but..."Hayner said.

"We came to see you guys off. It just seemed like something we oughta do." Pence said.

"That's sweet of you guys. Thank you." I said. I heard a train whistle.

"You should hurry and get your tickets." Olette said. I pulled out the pouch of Munny that Mickey had given to me. Olette pulled out the same pouch. How were there two? I shrugged to myself and bought four tickets. Suddenly I felt sad. I could tell Sora was feeling it too.

"I can't help feeling like we won't see this town again..." I said.

"Why not?" Donald asked.

"I can't explain. It's just this feeling I have in my heart." I said. I gripped the spot where my heart was.

"You're thinkin' too much!" Goofy said. Sora placed a hand on my shoulder.

"He's right! We'll see this town again Hikari." Sora said. We went to the platform where the train was. "Okay, let's go!" Donald and Goofy stepped into the train, waving good-bye to the others.

"Bye." I said.

"Hey, Hikari. Are you sure we haven't met you and Sora before?" Hayner asked.

"Positive. Why?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I dunno." Hayner said. All of sudden, I felt sad. A tear came from my eye. I looked at Sora and the same. Then we snapped out of it. Where did that come from?

"You two okay?" Pence asked.

"Yeah. Put it all together." He patted his cheeks a couple times. "Right... See ya." Sora said. We boarded the train and the doors closed. I sat down in one of the seat while Sora stood with his head resting against the door. I looked at the pouch. I squeezed it and felt something in there. I pulled out two crystals, one white and one blue.

"Sora." I said. I handed him the blue crystal and he looked at it.

"You know... I'm sad." Sora said.

"We'll come back." Donald said.

"Yeah. We can visit Hayner and those guys again." Goofy assured us. We both nodded. Soon, the outside changed to a green scenery. I scooted over so Sora could sit next to me.

"Sora... do you mind it I lay my head on your lap and sleep a little?" I asked. He looked at me kind of funny at first, but nodded. I curled up in the seat and laid my head on Sora's lap. Nyaromon curled up to Veemon, like she had done with Falcomon. He started to stroke my hair, just like Ven always did. I closed my eyes and I remembered how Ven would always let me sleep in his lap.

Flashback(12 years)

No one's Pov

Ventus and his Falcomon sat outside on the castle steps. On his lap, a four year-old Hikari and next to Falcomon was Nyaromon. She was fast asleep as it was night. They was peacefully sleeping near the two, smiling. The smile was a sign they was having happy dreams. Ventus and Jolteon were smiling themselves. To them, Terra, Gaomon, Aqua and Penguinmon, Hikari and Nyaromon was the definition of purity and innocence. They were sweet, gentle, warm and kind. They were never envious or hateful toward anyone. Ventus looked at the small child as she slept. He affectionately stroked her hair. Realizing how late it was, the fourteen year-old gently moved Hikari into his arms and went back inside the castle. Falcomon gently picked up Nyaromon and followed his Tamer.

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