Take to the Skies

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My Pov

Sora and the others hopped on Carpet while Gatomon and I hopped on my glider. The ruins were falling apart. We had to dodge falling building, sand geysers and Heartless. We made it out of the desert and back to Agrabah. Carpet collapsed on the ground, wrinkled and exhausted.

"Poor Carpet." I said.

"Get some rest, Carpet. You've earned it." Aladdin said.

"C'mon, let's get Jafar!" Iago exclaimed. We looked at Iago.

"And who asked you?" Sora asked.

"The palace is through there. Hurry!" Aladdin exclaimed. We hurried to the palace and saw the peddler. I needed to know how someone like him got all of that treasure in such a short time.

"I guess you know everything now, eh?" the peddler asked.

"You can't hide shady stuff for long." I said.

"So true. I had just snuck into the palace to, er, borrow some treasure when I heard this... voice. It said: 'Release me, and I will give you a greater reward.' Who are you?' I asked. The voice spoke again. 'The true Sultan of Agrabah.' he said. 'Imprisoned by villains.' Oh! Why did I believe such a tall, tall tale? I must have been under Jafar's spell. Yes! That must be it!" the peddler said.

"And I'm sure the treasure had nothing to do with it, right?" Sora asked.

"Maybe a little. But Jafar , he never gave me a thing..." the peddler said.

"There where did all of that treasure come from?" I asked.

"Why, the man in the black coat, of course." the peddler said.

"Organization XIII?" Donald asked.

"I KNEW it!" Sora exclaimed.

"The treasure was so I would tell no one of Jafar's return. He said he would destroy Jafar after turning him into a... 'Heartless'. So there was no need to upset Agrabah." the peddler said.

"And you believed that?" I asked.

"I'm a mere merchant, and a good one at that. I'll buy anything if the price is right. It would have been a successful transaction if I hadn't been seen..." the peddler said.

"Oh, you're so kind..." Iago said. We all looked at Iago. We hurried to the palace. While I couldn't see them, I could hear them talking.

"Just wait, Jafar! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"Indeed I will, Princess. All of Agrabah will belong to me, while you... You, my queen, shall weep by my side for all of eternity! Oh, please. Right about now... your precious Aladdin is whispering you name with his last breath." Jafar said. We got to the courtyard and Jasmine was so happy to see us.

"What was that you were saying Jafar?" Aladdin asked. Iago was perched on my shoulder and Jafar saw him.

"You dare defy me! You useless bird!" Jafar yelled. Jafar's staff glowed. At first, he was aiming for Iago, but then shot it at Aladdin.

"Al!" Iago exclaimed. Iago actually jumped in front of Aladdin and got hit instead.

"Iago!" Goofy exclaimed.

"You'll all be joining him... VERY soon!" Jafar exclaimed. A cloud of red-black smoke formed around Jafar as he turned into his genie-form. Except, this time he was much larger than before. One of the towers broke off and started falling toward us. Carpet got to Sora and I hopped on my glider. That's when my tiara glowed. My clothes changed to a sky blue tank top with many gold attachments and designs on it. It had un-attached two layer sleeves held by gold bangles, and at the neck was a cloth piece that attaches it to the top through a circled piece. It came with a purple choker, rainbow colored bracelet, and a rainbow themed hand piece that was attached to a middle finger ring and multiple gold bangles. A sky blue skirt with three layers of golden ornaments on chain, pinned to the side by a small pink flower. The belt was gold with rainbow colored markings, and the bottom of the skirt depicted a scenery full of flowers, butterflies, grass, and leaves. My sandals became brown, oriental inspired sandals with pink opened flowers at the toe strap, and multiple bands that crossed around the ankle and lower leg. Near the knees were brown bands with rainbow clothes around the bottom. My tiara became a thin red and purple striped band with a bow attached with some beds and feathers. Sprouting from my back were big, golden lined wings with many pink, blue, green, and purple gems. As well as a pair of feather-rainbow themed earrings(Look at Aikatsu; Oriental Libra Coord).

"I guess I don't need my gilder." I said. Which was great since I didn't know if I'd be able to fight using it. This was the first air battle I've ever had. Both my Crest and Digivice activated while only Sora's Digivice activated.

"Veemon armor digivolve to... Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!"

"Gatomon digivolve to... Angewomon!"

Jafar was a lot stronger than before, I could tell. He used mainly Fire and Thunder based magic. I looked for some kind of weak spot and got an idea. "Sora, Angewomon, Raidramon, attack Jafar's stomach!"

"Blue Thunder!" Raidramon exclaimed. He fired a powerful electric shock from the three protuberances on his back.

"Heaven's Charm!" Angewomon exclaimed. She created a cross and sent it toward Jafar. Both attacks combined and hit, causing Jafar to hunch over in pain. I actually grabbed his tail and wrapped it around him.

"What are you doing?" Jafar asked. I pulled his tail as hard as I could and spun him around, making him dizzying. Both Sora and I attacked him as much as possible before he came to. That's when the scenery became that of a black hole. Many building were flung toward us. The area changed back to normal and we went after Jafar. Then I got an idea.

"Desert Mirage!" I cried. My wings glowed and created twenty copies of me and Sora. Jafar only got angrier and started destroying the copies. My wings glowed once more. "Jewel Storm!" Many small jewels surrounded me and shot toward Jafar. It was too much for him. He started to vanish.

"No... How can I BE defeated again, by a pack of filthy street rats?" Jafar demanded to know.

"Don't mess with street rats!" Sora and I said. Jafar and his lamp vaporized. He was finally gone. Raidramon reverted to Veemon and Angewomon reverted to Gatomon. Genie showed up and was a little upset about not being able to help with Jafar, but he got over it and restore Agrabah to its old self. Aladdin wished us luck on finding Riku. We left Agrabah and headed back to Halloween Town.

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