Where are Kairi and Kage?

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My Pov

After leaving the Pride Lands, I noticed that Twilight Town had reappeared. Salamon and Veemon had reappeared too.

"Sora, look! Twilight Town is back!" I said. He took immediate notice to it.

"Let's head there!" Sora said. We landed in Twilight Town. I felt a huge rush of nostalgia wash over me as we landed in Tram Common. Then, I saw the boy, Vivi, running franticly and calling for help.

"H-Help! The sandlot! It's Seifer! Somebody please help us!" Vivi yelled.

"Sounds like we've got trouble!" Sora said. We hurried to the sandlot. I saw that Seifer and his two friends, Rai and Fuu, were laying unconscious on the ground. I noticed the Struggle bat next to Seifer. Poor guy probably tried to fight them off, but that bat wouldn't have any effect on them. Sora and me stood in front of them.

"Stay down!" I said.

"We'll take it from here!" Sora said/ Dealing with the Dusks was easy. That's when several Berserk Nobodies appeared. They were much more difficult to beat(in my opinion, the Berserk Nobody is the toughest of the lower Nobodies). I had to go into my Wisdom Form just to dodge attacks. I jumped into the air and pointed Starlight at the Nobodies.

"Prism Rain!" I shouted. Salvos of colors rained down on to the Nobodies, eradicating all of them. I reverted from Wisdom Form.

"Impressive." a voice said. That's when I heard someone clapping as if applauding. I looked to see a member of the Organization. Salamon and Veemon hissed and growled. "By the way, have you seen a man named Axel? I expect he's here somewhere."

"Like we care." Sora said.

"You see, Axel is no longer acting in our best interest." the unknown said.

"Is he with the Organization, too?" Goofy asked.

"Yes." the unknown said.

"You havin' a fight?" Donald asked.

"Your not a very organized Organization, are you?" I asked. The man pointed to me and Sora.

"Don't let your guards down. Axel will stop at nothing to turn the two of you into Heartless." the unknown said.

"Gee, thanks for looking out for us, mister. But I'm sure we can take care of ourselves just fine." Sora said.

"Glad to hear it. Axel aside, it would break our hearts to hear something happened to the both of you." the unknown said.

"What hearts? You're just empty shells." I said.

"True, we don't have hearts. But we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special." the unknown said. He removed his hood, revealing his face. Wait... he looked like-

"Isa?" I asked. I felt Sora, Donald and Goofy look at me weird.

"Do ya know him, Hikari?" Goofy asked. I wasn't sure how to answer. First Demyx reminded me of Myde and now this guy reminded me of Isa.

"I am no longer Isa. I am known only as Saïx." That's when I saw it. His eyes were yellow-gold, like Xehanort's! A portal appeared behind him. "Also, if I were you, I'd be on the lookout for the other rogue members of the Organization." the unknown said.

"Rogue members?" Donald asked.

"Yes. Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia and Larxene. They are also members who have betrayed us and will be annihilated when they are found. Sora, your Highness, both of you just worry about fighting the Heartless." Saïx answered.

"Let's jump in after him!" Sora whispered.

"How come?" Donald asked.

"That portal might lead us to the Nobody's world." I said.

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