Twilight Town(Day 1)

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Ri_! So_! Kai_!

If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one?

I love you Hikari.

I love you too, Ri_.

This world is connected.

Who are you?

Tied to the darkness...

The door has opened...


You understand nothing.

Day 1

My Pov

I opened my eyes to see the light of the sun shining through the window. I felt the warmth of someone next to me. I knew who it was. Roxas. I was living with him while my parents were away on business. He was like a brother to me. My shifting woke Roxas up.

"Nikko, what's wrong?" Roxas asked.

"I had another dream about her. Did you have a dream about him?" I asked.

"Yeah." Roxas said.

"Who do you think they are?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Roxas said. I heard the clock tower bells chime. Roxas opened the window and a gentle breeze tickled my got changed and headed to the usual spot.

"Man, doesn't that just tick you off?" Hayner asked.

"Yeah, that's just wrong." Pence said.

"Seifer's gone too far this time." Olette said.

"I mean, it's true that stuff's been stolen around town. And we've got a score to settle with Seifer and everything. So if he wants to think we did it, I can't really blame him. See... that's not what really bugs me. What REALLY bugs me is that he's goin' around tellin' everybody we're the thieves! Now the whole town and their mothers are treating us like the Klepto Club! Have you ever been this ticked off before in your life? 'Cause I haven't. Nuh-uh, never. Now... what to do." Hayner said.

"I for one can honestly say I've never been so pissed at someone in my whole life!" I said.

"We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight." Roxas said.

"Hey, sounds like fun!" Pence said.

"What about Seifer?" Hayner asked.

"Clearing our names is more important. Once the real culprit is found, everyone will back off." I said.

"Oh no! They're gone! Our—are gone!" Pence exclaimed. Huh?

"All our —, gone?" Hayner asked.

"Are you trying to say —?" I asked. I covered my mouth. Why couldn't I say —? I couldn't even say it in my thoughts!

"Stolen... Not just the —. The word —! They stole it, too!" Roxas said. How can you steal a word? Seifer couldn't have done this.

"We need to go have a talk with Seifer." I said. Everyone ran outside. I was about to, but I suddenly felt some kind of force pulling back and forth. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

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