Ansem the Wise

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No one's Pov

Naminé led them down flights of stairs, trying not to be detected. However, as they ran, Naminé's form began fuzzing up. Before any of the girls could ask, Naminé stopped. They soon realized why as there two Berserk Nobodies and Saïx blocking their path. Their Digimon began to growl at the Nobody.

"I'm sorry, but leaving is not an option." Saïx said. Saïx held out his hand. "I'll take you to Sora and Hikari." Everyone took a step back. "You don't want that?"

"I've want to meet Hikari ever since I was reborn." Kage answers.

"I do. More than anything. But not with you around." Kairi said. Each one of them got into the position to fight.

"If I had a heart, this would be where I die of laughter." Saïx mocked. That when both Berserk Nobodies suddenly vanished. Saïx knew who it was, despite his face being hidden. "You... Didn't Roxas and Nikko take care of you?"

"You can take it from here, Riku." Naminé said. Kairi looked at her Nobody, wanting to make sure she heard her right.

"Riku?" Kairi exclaimed. Kairi looked at the hooded man. The Keyblade disappeared from the man's hand as he shot a Dark Firaga toward Saïx. Even though Saïx dodged it, the man grabbed him and pushed him against a wall. Saïx however escaped through a portal and the man went to follow him. "Wait!" The man paused. Before he could take a step forward, both Stitch, Clip and Pluto backed him away from the portal. "Riku... you're really here..." Kairi removed his hood, but instead of Riku, she saw Ansem, Xehanort's Heartless.

My Pov

We made our way through the castle and came to the Hall of Empty Melodies. I heard Saïx's voice. Veemon and Salamon were both growling at him.

"Sora... Hikari... you've done well." Saïx said. We looked up to see him.

"What have you done with my sister? With my baby!?" I demanded.

"Where's Kairi? Where's Kage?" Sora asked.

"I assume they're catching up with their friend from the darkness." Saïx said.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked.

"They don't need you anymore." Saïx said.

"Like we'll believe that." I said.

"Well, you don't have to... But you can believe this. Organization XIII has further use for either of you... Just look there. Our Kingdom Hearts... Thanks to you both, we've collect countless hearts... Can you hear there euphoria?" Saïx asked.

"That's not Kingdom Hearts and you know it!" I exclaimed.

"Hmph. All they need now is one last helping from their Princess!" Saïx exclaimed. He snapped his fingers and multiple swarms of Heartless appeared.

"Sora! Hikari!" a voice called. We looked up and saw two girls. It was Kairi and Kage! I saw a Nyaromon and Kairi's Labramon.

"Sora! Hikari! It's really you!" Kage exclaimed, happily.

"Veemon! Salamon!" Labramon said.

"Kairi! Kage!" Sora exclaimed. Heartless came from behind us and jumped on us. I could hear Kairi's voice.

"You leave Sora and Hikari alone!" Kairi yelled. I couldn't hear what else was going on.

Mickey's Pov

I hurried through the castle, trying to locate Ansem the Wise. I soon saw three Dusks hovering over someone. I came got rid of them and made sure the person was alright. It was DiZ! He slowly lifted himself up and removed the bandages covering his face. It was Ansem the Wise.

"It's been too long, my friend." Ansem said.

"Ansem the Wise. Why didn't you come to me before things got so bad?" I asked.

"Xemnas, the Organization's Superior, is the Nobody of Xehanort, my foremost apprentice. The burden was mine to bear." Ansem said.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"I won't deny there was more." Ansem said.

"You won't?" a voice asked. We both turned to see Yami, who was holding Tai. Next to her was her Renamon.

"Yami! I'm glad to see you, Renamon and Tai aren't hurt." I said.

"Yeah." She then looked to Ansem. "What else was there?" Yami asked.

"I was... obsessed with thoughts of revenge. My apprentices stole everything precious to me— my research, and my pride." Ansem said.

"I can't help you with revenge." I said.

"I can't either." Yami seconded.

"I know. Riku's told me a thousand times." Ansem said.

"Where's he now?" I asked.

"With Hikari and the others." Yami said.

"Riku was a great help to me. I found him wandering the darkness, after you, the others and he lost track of each other." Ansem said.

"Gosh, we didn't exactly lose each other. Riku left... well, 'cause Xehanort's Heartless was still inside his heart, troubling him. And he sure must've been suffering. But what I don't understand is why he looks like that now, when he's Riku at heart..." I said.

"I am to blame." Ansem said.

"How?" Yami asked.

"When I met Riku the first time he still had the appearance of a boy. Probably because he had such a strong heart. I asked him to find a young man named Roxas and a young woman named Nikko from Organization XIII, and bring them to me When I told him it would help wake Sora and Hikari from their slumber, Riku left without a word. He fought Roxas and Nikko. And I can only surmise Riku lost that fight. Riku must have realized: to fight in the realm of darkness, he would have to immerse himself in that same darkness. And when he did... you both saw what became of him. When Riku brought Roxas and Nikko to me, he was introducing himself... as Ansem. If that's what it took to awaken his friend and the girl he loved, he was ready to live in darkness. Riku was the victim of my revenge. ...Oh, how my heart ached. I could only laugh to hide my shame." Ansem said.

"I guess it musta been after that when I saw Riku again. He said he wanted to help Sora and Hikari... but he made all of us promise— Promise that Sora and Hikari wouldn't ever find out about what happened to him while he was out in the darkness." I said.

"One thing doesn't make sense, though. You told him, me and everyone else involved that Hikari would never wake up." Yami said.

"Yes. I was as surprised as everyone else when the rogues told me. I never would have told anyone horrible news such as that. if I didn't believe it myself. Especially Riku. When I told him the first time, the pained and destroyed look in his eyes caused me to try and find a way, but I could not." Ansem said.

"Then, how did Hikari wake up? Was it Nikko reuniting with her?" I asked. Ansem shook his head.

"Nikko reuniting with her was only the final push she needed. Really what did it, was love." Ansem said.

"Love?" Yami asked.

"The love she has for Riku, Sora, Kairi, those she's lost, everyone around her and the love they all have for her. That was what helped her awaken. Unknowingly, everyone who cares for Hikari called out to her in their hearts. Those calls are what brought her soul from the realm of darkness and allowed her to awaken." Ansem said.

"Gosh, I never thought the bond between Hikari and everyone else was that strong." I said.

"Love is the greatest power of all Mickey." Yami said.

"My friend, the time has come. I must make amends to these young people." Ansem said. He picked up the strange machine he had and began walking. I helped him while Yami walked next to me.

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