Contact With Forgotten Friends(Day 4)

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It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door and change the world.

But I'm not gonna betray Sora and Hikari, either.

All for one and one for all.

My friends are my power and I'm theirs!


At last! The heart of Kingdom Hearts' princess is mine!

It is I, Ansem. lead me into everlasting darkness!


Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart! I'll beat you and free Riku and save Kairi. Then, the three of us will go and find Hikari.

We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other.

No matter where we are or what happens to us, our hearts will bring us together again.

Take this. It's my lucky charm. Be sure to take care of it.

I will! Let's go!

?'s Pov

Sora. Riku. Kairi. The three figures smiled and nodded. I could see them clearly now. Sora... Riku... Kairi... I remember now. I loved Riku and cared about you guys so much. I hope one day, we'll see each other again. But, it won't be anytime soon. I'm sorry.

Day 4

My Pov

I snapped my eyes open. That dream seemed more intense than the others. I stretched and yawned. I looked over to see Roxas was still asleep. He always looked cute when he was asleep. I looked down and saw Nyaromon and Puroromon were still sleeping too. I was about to go back to sleep, when I realized the time and day. It was the day of the Struggle tournament and we were running late!

"Roxas, wake up! The tournament's today and it'll start in ten minutes!" I exclaimed. He immediately jumped out of bed. We threw our clothes on and ran out the door to the Sandlot. Nyaromon and Puroromon following us close behind. Roxas went to his place while I went next to Pence and Olette. Puroromon and Nyaromon sat in my lap.

"Who are you gonna cheer for?" Pence asked.

"Yeah. Who?" Olette asked.

"Both of them!" I said. The tournament began with Roxas vs. Hayner. I could tell Hayner was still a little upset about the misunderstanding from yesterday. The fight began. It seemed even, but Roxas pulled through in the end.

"And the winner is Roxas! Not even friendship will slow this kid down. And Hayner put up a good fight, too." the ref announced. Roxas ran over to Hayner.

"I lost. Awww, I can't believe it! I guess I taught you well." Hayner said.

"I had a lot of fun fighting you." Roxas said.

"Yeah, well I didn't wise guy." Hayner pouted.

"Hey, let's find a way to cheer you up." Roxas said.

"Nah, that's all right." Hayner said. I was happy to see that Hayner wasn't mad anymore. Next it was... Seifer vs. Vivi? This was going to be interesting. And it was. It was almost like Vivi had gotten good over night. Seifer had knocked one of Vivi's orbs off him and went for it. In a split second, Vivi reclaimed it and knocked several of Seifer's orbs off him, winning the match.

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